Results (4) from search by "Web 2.0 conundrum"
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1. Web 2.0's Open Data Access Conundrum
Open Data Access and Web... have a very strange relationship that continues to blur the lines of demarcation between where Web... ends and where Web. e Web... , Semantic Data Web, Web of Databases etc. t before I proceed, let me attempt to define Web... Web...
2. Web 2.0's Open Data Access Conundrum (Update)
Open Data Access and Web... have a very strange relationship that continues to blur the lines of demarcation between where Web... ends and where Web. e Web... , Semantic Data Web, Web of Databases etc. t before I proceed, let me attempt to define Web... Web...
3. Linked Data enabling PHP Applications
... org resource World Wide Web id link id13b0ab48 Web... org resource World Wide Web id link id0x1d499470 Web... ... g resource Giant Global Graph id link id1372ce88 Giant Global Graph of Linked Data ; the Web as a Database. ... The Web becomes the Distributed...
4. Web Me2.0 -- Exploding the Myth of Web 2.0
... provides poignant insights into the recent Web... vs Web... brouhaha which I 39;ve excerpted below: Web Me2. Exploding the Myth of Web... 39; has not been very impressive so far and that they really hope for a next generation of the Web with some... ... Web... ... Web in...
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