Results (59) from search by "data integration"
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1. Enabling Integration of Internal and External Data
... Enabling Integration of Internal and External Data.
2. IBM Announces New Integration Portal
... parate applications, business processes, and data while collaborating with colleagues via a single Web...
3. Moving to XML: Does it Mean Throwing Out Your RDB Queries?
... ntly unveiled software to address RDB to XML data mapping. JSQLMapper is a bidirectional data mapping tool that cuts requirements for custom coding to bring... data into XML format. With JSQLMapper, developers can create data mappings from existing...
4. The Trouble with Labels (Contd.): Data Integration & SOA
... org resource Federated system id link id13985af0 Data Virtualization or Virtual... that intimately involved with the important data access and data integration realms. ruction of conceptual views of heterogeneous data...
5. Semantic Web Data Generation Activity: FOAF Crawling
... Semantic Web bootstrap is a global Data Integration Data Generation effort that inevitably involves a... of Data Sources such as: social networks, blogs, wikis etc. The Data in Fred 39;s post is based on FOAF Ontology instance data generated...
... making unimportant the location and type of data. This software enables the data to be accessed transparently wherever it might be, Jones said. le for 20,000 per processor and 15,000 per data source connector. Real time integration costs are mips based, with a...
7. <a href=";count=18437&amp;tot=14&amp;page=12">piece</a>
... ce by Michael Carey architect for Liquid Data at BEA re. Enterprise Information Integration from XML Journal. ... his is the root cause of many of the systems integration challenges facing may IT decsion makers. ... data and application logic presents many...
8. What is Linked Data, really?
... org resource Linked Data id link id0x1e81beb0 Linked Data is simply hypermedia based structured data. Linked Data offers everyone a Web scale, Enterprise grade mechanism for platform independent creation,... access, and integration of...
9. What is Linked Data, really?
... org resource Linked Data id link id0x1e81beb0 Linked Data is simply hypermedia based structured data. Linked Data offers everyone a Web scale, Enterprise grade mechanism for platform independent creation,... access, and integration of...
10. RDF based Integration Challenges (update)
... Data Integration using Semantic Web Technologies. al problem with republication of transformed data, in that right away there may be inconsistency with the... source data. The web data space itself can support very granular separation. Whatever, data...
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