Results (3) from search by "data%20integration"
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1. Our Basic Human Instincts
... Meshups natural joining of disparate data from a plethora of data sources while providing the foundation... eoIG TaskForces CommunityProjects LinkingOpenData Open Data Access and Linking for the Data Web Data... of RDF instance data from a...
2. ebiz RDF & Data Integration Article Retort
... RDF is part Data Model EAV CR style Graph with associated markup and data serialization formats that... RDF XML is an XML based markup and data serialization format. , it provides a mechanism for marshaling RDF data across data managers and data...
3. The Trouble with Labels (Contd.): Data Integration & SOA
... org resource Federated system id link id13985af0 Data Virtualization or Virtual... that intimately involved with the important data access and data integration realms. ruction of conceptual views of heterogeneous data...
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