Results (10) from search by "meshups"
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1. Meshups Demonstrating How SPARQL-GEO Enhances Linked Data Exploitation (Update 2)
Deceptively simple demonstrations of how Virtuoso 39;s SPARQL GEO extensions to SPARQL lay critical... for Geo Spatial solutions that seek to leverage the burgeoning Web of Linked Data. Setup Information SPARQL Endpoint: LinkedOpen
2. Linked Data, Meshups, Twitter, and Friendfeed
Here are some links from my Friendfeed and Twitter Data Spaces that expose a number of recent Linked Data... " examples: Friendfeed Twitter Enjoy.
3. Data Web, Googlebase, and Yahoo!
... 0 is that it facilitates Meshups rather than Mashups. orce joining of disparate Web Data Meshups Natural joining of disparate Web Data Reasons for the... Meshups are Data Model driven. Meshups are RDF based and the data is self describing since the links are...
4. Data Spaces and Semantic Web Animation
... are interactions as will be exemplified via meshups.
5. Linked Data & Socially Enhanced Collaboration (Enterprise or Individual) -- Update 1
... Linked Data Meshups via URIBurner or any other Virtuoso instance that provide an extend view of my profile...
6. Simple Compare & Contrast of Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 (Update 1)
... ven Mashups HIgh Data driven Meshups What You See Is What You Prefer WYSIWYP Low Medium High negotiated...
7. CrunchBase gets hooked up with the Linked Data Web!
... is about data Meshing and Meshups. Meshups on the other hand, are about joining disparate structured data sources across the Web.
8. Fourth Platform: Data Spaces in The Cloud (Update)
... 0 formdesigner Forms Builder for building Meshups based on RDF, SQL, or Web Servives Data Souces http:...
9. Our Basic Human Instincts
... vspx blogid 127 q meshups type text output html Meshups natural joining of disparate data from a plethora...
10. XMP and microformats revisited
... ement or unveiling of the Data Web by way of meshups that combine metadata from an array or data sources not... languages and techniques to construct these meshups My little Hello Data Web meme was about...
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