Results (113) from search by "sparql "
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1. Virtuoso & SPARQL Demo
... com sparql demo Virtuoso 39;s SPARQL Implementation , we have released an online version of the RDF DAWG...
2. Exhibit & SPARQL
... org wiki SPARQL id link id0xa0ab8fc8 SPARQL on the fly: Flickr photos tagged under rdf and semanticweb Del. OAT handles the binding to SPARQL.
3., SPARQL, and the Linked Data Web
... org resource SPARQL id link id1a908a70 SPARQL is a little overkill. org TR rdf sparql query select id link id168bcbe8 SPARQL SELECT Query transported via the SPARQL Protocol... org TR rdf sparql XMLres id link id1aa61118 SPARQL XML results...
4. Virtuoso RDF Triple Store White Paper
... org TR rdf sparql query SPARQL compliant RDF Triple Store. Implementing a SPARQL Compliant RDF Triple Store using a SQL ORDBMS.
5. SPARQL Parameterized Queries (Virtuoso using SPARQL in SQL)
... SELECT query or subquery, one can write the SPARQL keyword and a SPARQL query as part of query text... the native ISQL utility : SQL sparql select distinct p where graph g s p o ; Which will return the following: p... ... where a SPARQL variable is...
6. SPARQL Guide for the Javascript Developer
... org resource SPARQL id link id0x17b447e8 SPARQL without hassles. Why SPARQL is a powerful query language, results serialization format, and an HTTP based data access... How SPARQL queries are actually HTTP payloads typically. ... SPARQL endpoint you...
7. W3C's SPARQLing Data Access Ingenuity
... org resource SPARQL id link id10183f60 SPARQL A query language for the burgeoning Structured Linked Data... SOAP based Web Service that exposes SPARQL access to RDF Data via an endpoint. Example: SPARQL equivalent of SQL SELECT against my personal...
8. Hello Data Web (Take 2 - with Screenshots)
... he process of providing Data Web URIs to the SPARQL Query Builder first cut of an MS Query or MS ACCESS type... m blog kidehen briefcase Public Screenshots sparql qbe1. m blog kidehen briefcase Public Screenshots sparql qbe2. ... Screenshots sparql qbe3.
9. Hello Data Web!
... our Ajax based Visual Query Builder for the SPARQL Query Language this isn 39;t Grandma 39;s Data Web UI,...
10. SPARQL Guide for the Perl Developer
... org resource SPARQL id link id0x17b447e8 SPARQL without hassles. Why SPARQL is a powerful query language, results serialization format, and an HTTP based data access... How SPARQL queries are actually HTTP payloads typically. ... SPARQL endpoint you...
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