Results (6) from search by "ted nelson"
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1. Ted Nelson's Perspective on Technology Lock-in
... net ted bar it top level. Ted Nelson expresses technology lock in dislike.
2. You want disruptive? Here's disruptive...
... org wiki Ted Nelson Ted Nelson , who invented the term 39;hypertext 39; in 1965 and is generally regarded as... Ted Nelson recently wrote an essay about 39;Indirect Documents 39;, which got Slashdotted today. In the essay Nelson outlines why in his...
3. The Time for RDBMS Primacy Downgrade is Nigh!
... com watch v WEj9vqVvHPc feature related id link id0x66b0850 Ted Nelson Explaining Irregularity and...
4. The Semantic Web is only the beginning...
... org wiki Ted Nelson Ted Nelson discussed briefly in an earlier post re.
5. Important Movie and Ultimate Linked Data Documentary (Update 3)
... Hyperworlds Ted Nelson Presentation The Invention of the World Wide Web The Web 39;s Secret Stories TED... ted. ted. om id link id11ea40c8 TimBL 39;s TED 2009 Linked Data Presentation.
6. Time for RDBMS Primacy Downgrade is Nigh! (No Embedded Images Edition - Update 1)
... com watch v WEj9vqVvHPc feature related id link id0x1135d978 Ted Nelson Explaining Irregularity and...
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