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May 22, 2003
17:31 Kendall Clark finds the latest XHTML 2.0 draft contains good news
Kendall Clark finds the latest XHTML 2.0 draft contains good news [via]
under category: XML
17:31 Kendall Clark finds the latest XHTML 2.0 draft contains good news
Kendall Clark finds the latest XHTML 2.0 draft contains good news [via]
under category: XML
16:13 May 20th, 2003: OpenLink releases WineLib patches.
May 20th, 2003: OpenLink releases WineLib patches. OpenLink announced the release of Vladimir's ...
with tags: linux | unix | openlink
under category: Programming
On linux | unix | openlink
On technorati: linux | unix | openlink
16:13 May 20th, 2003: OpenLink releases WineLib patches.
May 20th, 2003: OpenLink releases WineLib patches. OpenLink announced the release of Vladimir's ...
with tags: openlink
under category: Programming
On openlink
On technorati: openlink
14:41 Hosted RSS Content Creation Utility
Hosted RSS Content Creation UtilityMyRSS.COM is a cool hosted service for generating RSS from HTML c...
with tags: rss
under category: Content Syndication
On rss
On technorati: rss
12:14 Sue me, I'm a Linux User!
Sue me, I'm a Linux User! In a great example of Linux users banding together to fight SCO's ...
with tags: linux
On linux
On technorati: linux
12:14 Sue me, I'm a Linux User!
Sue me, I'm a Linux User! In a great example of Linux users banding together to fight SCO's ...
with tags: linux
On linux
On technorati: linux
10:13 WWW2003 -- day two
WWW2003 -- day two Facts and figures about WWW2003; W3C standards update; progress report on 802.11b...
with tags: webservices | xml
On webservices | xml
On technorati: webservices | xml
10:13 WWW2003 -- day two
WWW2003 -- day two Facts and figures about WWW2003; W3C standards update; progress report on 802.11b...
with tags: webservices | xml
On webservices | xml
On technorati: webservices | xml
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