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This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.
Attributes | Values |
Identifier |
description |
described by | |
name |
Format |
hasDatabaseFamily | |
hasOperatingSystemFamily | |
hasOperatingSystem | |
hasDatabaseEngine | |
downloadUrl | |
comment |
Date Created |
dateModified |
type | |
hasFileSizeSpecification | |
hasInstallerStepByGuide | |
releaseVersionText |
hasDepot | |
isInstallerArchiveOf | |
hasInstallerArchiveCategory | |
hasComponentOptionalDependency | |
hasComponentCode | |
is topic of | |
is Subject of | |
is about of | |
is isFileSizeSpecificationOf of | |
is isInstallerStepByGuideOf of | |
is schema:mainEntity of | |
is hasInstallerArchive of |