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Latest edition of Virtuoso that includes the following enhancements and new features: 1. Load Service Data ROLE -- Added SPARQL endpoint deduction capability to SPARQL-FED. 2. Improved LDP Support -- Enhanced support for Linked Data Platform protocol as an extension to existing WebDAV protocol support. 3. Loosely-coupled SSL/TLS -- SSL/TLS version and associated cipher selection is now configurable. 4. Filesystem Hosted Virtual Tables -- Enables File System hosted CSV documents to be attached to Virtuoso instances. 5. Loosely-Coupled Sponger Middleware Services -- In-built RDF document transformation middleware is now loosely-coupled its host Virtuoso database server instance. 6. In-built Nanotation Processor -- Enables TURTLE statements to be embedded in Email Messages, Online Discussion Posts, Tweets, Social Media Posts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+), HTML Body, and Plain Text documents en route to automatic transformation into RDF-based Linked Open Data which is then stored in the host Virtuoso instance. 7. Geo-Spatial SPARQL Extensions -- Enhanced extensions to SPARQL that enable high-performance and scalable query of data constructed using spatial oriented relations. 8. SPARQL Query Processing Parallelism Enhancements -- 10x performance and scalability gain in regards to in multi-user applications and services that utilize complex lookup queries in SPARQL query patterns.