Post absorption of Web 3G commentary emanating from the Talis blog space. Ian Davis appears to be expending energy on the definition of, and timeframes for, the next Web Frontier (which is actually here btw) :-)
Daniel Lewis also penned an interesting post in response to Ian's, that actually triggered this post.
I think definition time has long expired re. the Web's many interaction dimensions, evolutionary stages, and versions.
On my watch it's simply demo / dog-food time. Or as Dan Brickley states: Just Show It.
Below, I've created a tabulated view of the various lanes on the Web's Information Super Highway. Of course, this is a Linked Data demo should you be interested in the universe of data exposed via the links embedded in this post :-)
The Web's Information Super Highway Lanes
Information Creation & Retrieval |
Information Creation, Retrieval, and Extraction |
Distillation of Data from Information |
Information Linkage (Hypertext) |
Information Mashing (Mash-ups) |
Linked Data Meshing (Hyperdata) |
Enabling Protocol
(X)HTML& various XML based formats (RSS, ATOM, others) |
Turtle, N3, RDF/XML, others |
Basic Data Unit |
Resource (Data Object) of type "Document" |
Resource (Data Object) of type "Document" |
Resource (Data Object) that may be one of a variety of Types: Person, Place, Event, Music etc. |
Basic Data Unit Identity
Resource URL (Web Data Object Address)
Resource URL (Web Data Object Address)
Unique Identifier (URI) that is indepenent of actual Resource (Web Data Object) Address.
Note: An Identifier by itself has no utility beyond Identifying a place around which actual data may be clustered.
Query or Search
Full Text Search patterns |
Full Text Search patterns |
Structured Querying via SPARQL
Web Server (Document Server) |
Web Server + Web Services Deployment modules |
Web Server + Linked Data Deployment modules (Data Server) |
<link rel="alternate"..> |
<link rel="alternate"..> |
<link rel="alternate" | "meta"..>, basic and/or transparent content negotiation |
Target User |
Humans |
Humans & Text extraction and manipulation oriented agents (Scrappers) |
Agents with varying degrees of data processing intelligence and capacity |
Serendipitous Discovery Quotient (SDQ) |
Low |
Low |
High |
Information Opacity |
Information Silos |
Data Graph Navigability (Quality) |