I have written extensively about "Presence",
Spaces", and "Open
Access to Data". What I haven't emphasized is how "Identity"
brings this together, primarily becuase I didn't have something to
demonstrate, or point to, coherently etc..
Anyway, we now have OpenID
support in OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS) which coincides nicely with
the growing support
of OpenID across the web.
The beauty of OpenID support in ODS is that I now have a URL
that meshes with my identity (at least in line with what I have
chosed to share with the public via the Web). For instance,
http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/kidehen@openlinksw.com is my
OpenID as well as my personal URI (you look closer at this link and
you have a map of my Data Space).
To really understand what I am getting at here you should open
up My
OpenID URL using one of the following:
Enabled Wiki
To be continued....