As 2007 came to a close I repeatedly mulled over the idea of
putting together a usual "year in review" and a set of predictions
for the coming year etc. Anyway, the more I pondered, the smaller
the list became. While pondering (as 2008 rolled around), the
Blogosphere was set ablaze with the Robert Scoble's announcement of his account
suspension by Facebook. Of course, many chimed in expressing views
either side of the ensuing debate: Who is right -- Scoble or Facebook. The
more I assimilated the views expressed about this event, the more
ironic I found the general discourse, for the following
Web 2.0 is fundamentally about Web
Services as the prime vehicle for interactions across "points
of Web presence"
Facebook is a Web 2.0 hosted service for
social networking that provides Web Services
APIs for accessing data in the Facebook data space. You have to do
so "on the fly" within clearly defined constraints i.e you can
interact with data across your social network via Facebook APIs,
but you cannot cache the data (perform an export style dump of the
- Facebook is a main driver of the term: "social graph", but
their underlying data model is relational and the Web Services
response (data you get back) doesn't return a data graph, instead
it returns an tree (i.e XML)
Scoble's had a number of close encounters with
Linked Data Web | Semantic Data Web | Web 3.0 aficionados in
various forms throughout 2007, but still doesn't quite make the
connection between Web Services APIs as part of a processing
pipeline that includes structured data extraction from XML data en
route to producing Data Graphs comprised of Data Objects (Entities)
endowed with: Unique Identifiers, Classification or
Categorization schemes, Attributes, and Relationships prescribed by
one or more shared Data Dictionaries/Schemas/Ontologies
- A global information bus that exposes a Linked Data mesh comprised of Data Objects,
Object Attributes, and Object Relationships across "points of Web
presence" is what TimBL described in 1998 (Semantic Web Roadmap) and more recently in
2007 (Giant Global Graph)
- The Linked Data mesh (i.e Linked Data Web or GGG) is anchored
by the use of HTTP to mint Location, Structure, and Value
independent Object Identifiers called URIs or IRIs. In
addition, the Linked Data Web is also equipped with a query
language, protocol, and results serialization format for XML and
JSON called: SPARQL.
So, unlike Scoble, I am able to make my Facebook Data portable
without violating Facebook rules (no data caching outside Facebook
realm) by doing the following:
- Use an RDFizer for Facebook to convert XML response data from
Facebook Web Services into RDF "on the fly" Ensure that my RDF is
comprised of Object Identifiers that are HTTP based and thereby
dereferencable (i.e. I can use SPARQL to unravel the Linked Data
Graph in my Facebook data space)
- The act of data dereferencing enables me to expose my Facebook
Data as Linked Data associated with my Personal URI
- This interaction only occurs via my data space and in all cases
the interactions with data work via my RDFizer middleware (e.g the Virtuoso Sponger) that talks directly to
Facebook Web Services.
In a nutshell, my Linked Data Space enables you to reference
data in my data space via Object Identifiers (URIs), and some cases
the Object IDs and Graphs are constructed on the fly via RDFization
Here are my URIs that provide different paths to my Facebook
Data Space:
To conclude, 2008 is clearly the inflection year during which we
will final unshackle Data and Identity from the confines of "Web
Data Silos" by leveraging the HTTP, SPARQL, and RDF induced virtues
of Linked Data.
Related Posts:
2008 and the Rise of Linked Data
Scoble Right, Wrong, and Beyond
Scoble interviewing TimBL (note to Scoble:
re-watch your interview since he made some specific points about
Linked Data and URIs that you need to grasp)
- Prior Blog posts my this Blog Data Space that include the
literal patterns: Scoble Semantic Web