The evolution of the Web into a
federated database, information space, and knowledge-base hybrid continues at frenetic
As more Linked Data is injected into the Web from the
Linking Open Data community and other
initiatives, it's important to note that "Linked Data" is available
in a variety of forms such as:
Data Model
Definition oriented Linked Data (aka. Data Dictionary)
- Data Model Instance Data (aka. Instance Data)
- Linked Data oriented solutions that leverage the smart data
substrate that Models and Instance Data meshes deliver.
Note: The common glue across the different types of Linked Data
remains the commitment to data object (entity) identification and access via
de-referencable URIs (aka. record / entity level data source
As stated in my recent post titled: Semantic Web: Travails to Harmony Illustrated.
Harmonious intersections of instance data, data dictionaries
(schemas, ontologies, rules etc.) provide a powerful substrate
(smart data) for the development and deployment of "People" and/or
"Machine" oriented solutions. Of course, others have commented on
these matters and expressed similar views (see related section
The clickable venn diagram below, provides a simple exploration
path that exposes the linkage that already exists, across the
different Linked Data types, within the burgeoning Linked Data Web.