This post is a reply to Jason Kolb's post titled: Using Advertising to Take Over the World.
Jason's post is a response to Robert Scoble's post titled: Why Facebook has never listened and why it
definitely won’t start now.
Scoble is sensing what comes next, but in my opinion, describes
it using an old obtrusive advertising model anecdote.
I've penned a post or two about the "Magic of You" which is all about the new
Web power broker (Entity: "You").
Personally, I've long envisaged a complete overhaul of
advertising where obtrusive advertising simply withers away;
ultimately replaced by an unobtrusive model that is driven by
individualized relevance and high doses of serendipity. Basically,
this is ultimately about "taking the Ad out of item placement in
Web pages".
The fundamental ingredients of an unobtrusive advertising
landscape would include the following Human facts:
- We are social beings and need stuff from time to time
- We know what we need and would like to "Find stuff" when we are
in "I Need Stuff" mode.
Ideally, we would like to be able to simply state the following,
via a Web accessible profile:
- Here are my "Wants" or "Needs" (my Wish-List)
- Here are the products and services that I "Offer" (my
Now put the above into the context of an evolving Web where data
items are becoming more visible by the second, courtesy of the
"Linked Data" meme. Thus, things that weren't
discernable via the Web: "People", "Places", "Music", "Books",
"Products", etc., become much easier to identify and describe.
Assuming the comments above hold true re. the Web's evolution
into a collection of Linked Data Spaces, and the following
- Structured profile pages become the basic units of Web
- Wish-Lists and Offer-Lists are exposed by profile pages
Wish-Lists and Offer-Lists will gradually start bonding with
increasing degrees of serendipity courtesy of exponential growth in
Linked Data Web density.
So based on what I've stated so far, Scoble would simply browse
the Web or visit his profile page, and in either scenario enjoy a
"minority report" style of experience albeit
all under his control (since he is the one driving his Web user
What I describe above simply comes down to "Wish-lists" and
associated recommendations becoming the norm outside the confines
of Amazon's data space on the Web. Serendipitous
discovery, intelligent lookups, and linkages are going to be the
fundamental essence of Linked Data Web oriented applications,
services, agents.
Beyond Scoble, it's also important to note that access to data
will be controlled by entity "You". Your data space on the Web will
be something you will controll access to in a myriad of ways, and
it will include the option to provide licensed access to commercial
entities on your terms. Naturally, you will also determine the
currency that facilitates the value exchange :-)