The act of using URIs to "refer to" (reference) Web addressable
data objects. It's
also the act of using the same URI to de-reference the description of a
referenced data object; in this case, the representation of the
description is negotiated by a Web client and/or Web server. Thus,
you can access the description of a data object via data
representation formats such as: JSON, XML, (X)HTML, RDF/XML, N3,
Turtle, TriX etc.
Note: In proper Web parlance, a data object is
referred to as a resource.
Simple example (using DBpedia)
In the Linked Data realm, If you want to make a
reference to the Linked Data meme in a blog
post, you are better off using the resource URI:, instead of the Web page
URL:, which is the address of a
physical document (an information conveying artifact) that at
best visually presents the negotiated representation of a resource
Why is this valuable?
In the simplest sense, you only have one focal point for
referencing (referring to) and de-referencing (retrieving data
about) a given Web resource. It protects you from the impact of Web
document location changes (amongst many other things).
Remember, a single URI is a conduit into a realm where the
identity, access, representation, presentation, and storage of a
resource (data object) are completely distinct. It's the mechanism
for conducting data across network, machine, operating system, dbms
engine, application, and service (API) boundaries. Thus, without
"linked data meme" prescribed URI referencing and de-referencing,
we are simply back to "business as usual" re. the industry at
large, where networks, operating systems, dbms engines,
applications, and services (APIs) become the basis for "data
lock-in" and silo construction.
Going forward
Take a second to think about the profound virtues of the
ubiquitous Web of Linked Document URLs that we have today, and then
apply that thinking to the burgeoning Web of Linked Data URIs, that
has just turned corner and heading in everyone's direction at full
Note to "Social Media" players: Who you know
isn't the canonical object of sociality. What you are i.e., your
description and the data objects it exposes, are real objects of
your sociality :-)