New XTech
web site, and why we don't sell presentation space: "
My too-long absence from writing much here can be ascribed to
two, differently pleasant, activities. First, a fantastic vacation
in Cuba, and second, the redesign and launch of the XTech web site.
Of the first, come to my place for dinner and I'll bore you at
length about how amazing it was. Of the second, I'd like to bore
you right now!
Thanks to Ruby on Rails and a few late nights, the XTech site
now has these new features:
A few more details on the Ajax Developers' Day. As I mentioned
before, when putting together the schedule we felt there was a lot
of excellent content still missed out (I'm still feeling guilty at
having rejected proposals from many good friends and excellent
speakers). So, we put together an extra day at the beginning of the
conference where we could go further into detail on Ajax
This day, featuring speakers such as Simon Willison from Yahoo!,
XML expert Kurt Cagle and OpenLaszlo's Max Carlson, will allow
those working on Ajax projects--either deployment or toolkits--to
meet, discuss best practice and move forward on new ideas. Although
it's a day-long event, we didn't want to make the price tag as high
as a full-day tutorial, so you can register
for the cost of a half-day tutorial.
A few implementation details
If that all sounded a little like advertising, here are some
technical details worth sharing. The site's CMS is built on Ruby on
Rails. Development was done on Linux, with the help of WINE to
check out the view from Internet Explorer. The newsletter is
managed by the absurdly wonderful CampaignMonitor.
This conference not for sale
Before I went on vacation, there was some debate in various
quarters about paid-for plenary and keynote slots in conferences.
Though I hope it is obvious, I wanted to state where I, and thus
the XTech conference, stand on this issue.
It has always been my policy to maintain a strict separation
between the commercial and editorial aspects of XTech. Although
each year there's always a company who thinks they can buy a
speaking slot, I never let this happen. The content of the
conference is formed by editorial selection by the programme
committee, who take the scores from the peer review panel as their
primary guide.
Aside from what I hope shows in the excellent quality of the
talks and generally interesting keynotes (yes, we get it wrong
occasionally!), there are two effects on the conference.
- Sponsors are that much more respected. When a sponsor respects
the delegates' time and intelligence, but still attends, you know
they're serious about engagement with attendees.
- A higher portion of the conference cost is in the registration
fees than for some other conferences. We're still trying to keep
the costs as low as we can, but we're not prepared to compromise
the quality of the schedule by letting vendors buy talk time.
I hope this explains a little of my position. As a stance, it often
creates more issues for me than it solves, but I believe it
preserves XTech's reputation as a conference where you can hear
some of the best no-fluff presentations on web technology.
(Via Edd Dumbill's Weblog:
Behind the Times.)