This screencast covers the actual codeless process of building a database centric Web 2.0 mash-up using OAT's database-aware Forms Designer. This is basically the simplicity of Paradox or Microsoft ACCESS form building delivered via Ajax without any database or operating system lock-in. This demo uses the Google Mapping Service (note: there is a
Yahoo! Mapping Service screencast demothat follows this post). Also note that fact that in this demonstration I actually incorporate the Pivot building functionality from an earlier
Ajax based Pivot Building screencast.
About this entry:
Author: Kingsley Uyi Idehen
Published: 05/26/2006 18:38 GMT-0500
Modified: 06/22/2006 08:56 GMT-0500
Tags: webservices , web2.0 , web20 , ajax , howto , screencast , javascript , oat , DataSpace , dataspace , dynamic_languages , uda , sql , odbc , jdbc , oledb , ms_access , foxpro , paradox , qbe , ms_query , mashup , mash-up
Categories: Demos , Data Access , Content Syndication , Web Services
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