I've written extensively on the subject of Data Spaces in relation to the Data Web for while. I've also written
sparingly about OpenLink Data Spaces (a Data Web Platform
that build using Virtuoso). On the other hand, I haven't shed much
light on installation and deployment of OpenLink Data Spaces.
Udell recently penned a post titled: The Fourth Platform. The post arrives at a
spookily coincidental time (this happens quite often between Jon
and I as demonstrated last year during our podcast; the "Fourth" in his Innovators
Podcast series).
The platform that Jon describes is "Cloud Based" and comprised
of Storage and Computation. I would like to add Data Access and
Management (native and virtual) under the fourth platform banner
with the end product called: "Cloud based Data Spaces".
As I write, we are releasing a Virtuoso AMI (Amazon Image)
labeled: virtuoso-dataspace-server. This edition of Virtuoso
includes the OpenLink Data Spaces Layer and all of the OAT
applications we've been developing for a while.
What Benefits Does this offer?
- Personal Data Spaces in the Cloud - a place where you can
control and consolidate data across your Blogs, Wikis, RSS/Atom
Feed Subscriptions, Shared Bookmarks, Shared Calendars, Discussion
Threads, Photo Galleries etc
- All the data in your Data Space is SPARQL or GData
- All of the data in your Personal Data Space is Linked Data from the
get go. Each Item of data is URI
SIOC support - your Blogs, Wikis, Bookmarks
etc.. are based on the SIOC ontology for Semantically Interlinking
Online Communities (think: Open social-graph++)
FOAF support - your FOAF Profile page
provides a URI that is an in-road to all Data in your Data
OpenID support - your Personal Data Space ID
is usable wherever OpenID is supported. OpenID and FOAF are
integrated as per latest FOAF specs
- Two Integration with Facebook - You can access your Data Space
from Facebook or access Facebook from your Data Space
- Unified Storage - The WebDAV based filesystem provides Cloud
Storage that's integrated with Amazon S3; It also exposes all of
your Data Space data via a traditional filesystem UI (think virtual
Spotlight); You can also mount this drive to your local filesystem
via your native operating system's WebDAV support
SyncML - you can sync calendar and contact
details with your Data Space in the cloud from your Mobile
- A practical Semantic Data Web solution - based on Web
Infrastructure and doesn't require you to do anything beyond
exposing URIs for data in your Data Spaces.
EC2-AMI Details:
AMI ID: ami-e2ca2f8b
Manifest file:
Installation Guide:
- Get an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
- Signup for S3 and EC2 services
- Install the EC2 plugin for Firefox
- Start the EC2 plugin
- Locate the row
using the AMI ID or Manifest Columns or search on pattern:
virtuoso, due to name flux)
- Start the Virtuoso Data Space Server AMI
- Wait 4-5 minutes (*take a few minutes to create the
pre-configured Linux Image*)
- Connect to http://http://your-ec2-instance-cname:8890/ Log in
with user/password dba/dba
- Go to the Admin UI (Virtuoso Conductor) and change the PWDs for
the 'dba' and 'dav' accounts (*Important!*)
- Give the "SPARQL" user "SPARQL_UPDATE" privileges (required if
you want to exploit the in-built Sponger Middleware)
- Click on the ODS
(OpenLink Data Spaces) link to start an Personal Editon of OpenLink
Data Spaces (or go to:
- Log-in using the username and password credentials for the
'dav' account (or register a new user note: OpenID is an option
here also) Create an Data Space Application Instance by clicking on
a Data Space App. Tab
- Import data from your existing Web 2.0 style applications into
OpenLink Data Spaces e.g. subscribe to a few RSS/Atom feeds via the
"Feeds Manager" application or import some Bookmarks using the
"Bookmarks" application
- Then look at the imported data in Linked Data form via your ODS
generated URIs based on the patterns:
(URI for You the Person),
http://your-ec2-instance-cname/dataspace/person/your-ods-id (FOAF
File URI), http://your-ec2-instance-cname/dataspace/your-ods-id
(OAT) from your Data Space instance
Install the OAT VAD package via the Admin UI and then apply the URI
patterns below within your browser:
- http://:8890/oatdemo - Entire OAT Demo Collection
- http://:8890/rdfbrowser - RDF Browser
- http://:8890/isparql - SPARQL Query Builder (iSPARQL)
- http://:8890/qbe - SQL Query Builder (iSQL)
- http://:8890/formdesigner - Forms Builder (for building Meshups
based on RDF, SQL, or Web Servives Data Souces)
- http://:8890/dbdesigner - SQL DB Schema Designer (note a Visual
SQL-RDF Mapper is also on it's way
- http://:8890/DAV/JS/ - To view the OAT Tree (there are some
experimental demos that are missing from the main demo app
There's more to come!
About this entry:
Author: Kingsley Uyi Idehen
Published: 09/22/2007 19:43 GMT-0500
Modified: 10/26/2008 17:59 GMT-0500
Tags: webservices , web2.0 , web20 , gdata , ajax , atom , rdf , rss , semanticweb , foaf , sioc , sparql , socialnetworking , linux , oat , openlink , virtuoso , DataSpace , identity_20 , openid , unified_storage , .net , dataspace , javascript , ec2
Categories: Demos , Virtual Database , SQL , Semantic Web , Web Services (Web 2.0) , Content Syndication
Comment Status: 0