Your Life, Profession, Web, and Internet do not need to become mutually
exclusive due to "information overload".
A platform or service that delivers a point of online presence
that embodies the fundamental separation of: Identity, Data Access, Data
Representation, Data Presentation, by adhering to Web and Internet
Typical post installation (Local or Cloud) task sequence:
- Identify myself (happens automatically by way of
- If in an LDAP environment, import accounts or associate system
with LDAP for account lookup and authentication
- Identify Online Accounts (by fleshing out profile) which also
connects system to online accounts and their data
- Use Profile for granular description (Biography, Interests,
WishList, OfferList, etc.)
- Optionally upstream or downstream data to and from my online
- Create content Tagging Rules
- Create rules for associating Tags with formal URIs
- Create automatic Hyperlinking Rules for reuse when new content
is created (e.g. Blog posts)
- Exploit Data Portability virtues of RSS, Atom, OPML, RDFa,
RDF/XML, and other formats for imports and exports
- Automatically tag imported content
- Use function-specific helper application UIs for domain
specific data generation e.g. AddressBook (optionally use vCard
import), Calendar (optionally use iCalendar import), Email, File
Storage (use WebDAV mount with copy and paste or HTTP GET), Feed
Subscriptions (optionally import RSS/Atom/OPML feeds), Bookmarking
(optionally import bookmark.html or XBEL) etc..
- Optionally enable "Conversation" feature (today: Social Media
feature) across the relevant application domains (manage
conversations under covers using NNTP, the standard for this
functionality realm)
- Generate HTTP based Entity IDs (URIs) for every piece of data in
this burgeoning data space
- Use REST based APIs to perform CRUD tasks against my data
(local and remote) (SPARQL, GData, Ubiquity Commands, Atom
- Use OpenID, OAuth, FOAF+SSL, FOAF+SSL+OpenID for accessing data
- Use OpenID, OAuth, FOAF+SSL, FOAF+SSL+OpenID for Controlling
access to my data (Self Signed Certificate Generation, Browser
Import of said Certificate & associated Private Key, plus
persistence of Certificate to FOAF based profile data space in "one
- Have a simple UI for Entity-Attribute-Value or
Subject-Predicate-Object arbitrary data annotations and creation
since you can't pre model an "Open World" where the only constant is data
- Have my Personal URI (Web ID) as the single entry point for
controlled access to my HTTP accessible data space
I've just outlined a snippet of the capabilities of the OpenLink Data Spaces platform. A platform
built using OpenLink Virtuoso, architected to deliver: open,
platform independent, multi-model, data access and data management
across heterogeneous data sources.
All you need to remember is your URI when seeking to interact
with your data space.
Get Yourself a URI (Web ID) in 5 Minutes or
Various posts over the years about Data
Future of Desktop Post
Simplify My Life Post by Bengee