is an interesting from Enterprise Systems Journal by Jim McGee
titled: The Invisibility of Knowledge Work.
Here is a an interesting and insightful quote from the article
that resonates with me:
Invisibility is an accidental and little-recognized
characteristic of digital knowledge work. Seeing the problem is the
first step to a solution. While better technology tools will play
an important role, the next steps are changes in attitude and
behavior at the individual and work group level. For example,
organizing your own digital files into project-related directories
can help, but not if you continue to name files
"FinalPresentationNN.doc" where NN is some number between 1 and 15
representing a crude effort at version control. Embed more
information in the file name where you know it will be visible even
as you e-mail it around the organization. Use more informative
subject lines on your email. Those file names and subject lines
should provide the best clues possible as to what will be found
The quote above strikes a chord with me because I have spent a
majority of my professional career working on technology that is
aimed at Information and Knowledge workers. It also has uncanny
timing as it sheds light on a major aspect of the next major
release ofVirtuosothat aims to
continue the process of unveiling theintrinsic value of
Unified Storage (SQL, XML, and Multimedia content)for
Knowledge workers.
We are already experiencing a rapid build up of XML
content and binary data withXML basedmetadata
annotations as a result ofthe networkeffects of the
Blogosphere and Wikisphere. This content explosion ultimately
provides context forunderstanding the value of URIs
association withcollections of physically (e.g hierarchical
directory structure) or logically (Tagging or Dynamic
Filtering)partitioned content.
To be continued..