OpenLink Software is at the cutting edge of creating, deploying, and using software solutions that leverage generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) innovations.
We offer a vertically integrated product portfolio, including the OpenLink AI Layer (OPAL), Virtuoso Data Spaces (databases, knowledge graphs, documents) Management Platform, ODBC or JDBC Data Access Drivers, and a variety of complementary utilities.
Goals you will achieve by engaging our technology.
Our vertically integrated product and services portfolio includes:
A modern platform for creating, deploying, and using AI Agents that are loosely coupled with large language models (LLMs) and data spaces, including databases, knowledge bases or graphs, and file system documents.
Our suite of secure, high-performance, open-standards-compliant ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA drivers (connectors).
A modern enterprise-grade platform for data access, virtualization, integration, and multi-model relational database management (SQL Tables and/or RDF Statement Graphs).
Our unique Data Spaces management platform provides a secure native and virtual management layer across databases (tables or graphs), knowledge bases or graphs, and file system documents, delivering:
Secure and High Performance
Native Data Management Across Data Sources
Data Access Built With Open Standards
Our secure and high-performance data access drivers provide connectivity to a wide range of database management systems (DBMS), ensuring access to your data on your own terms.
As leading experts in the fields of standard compliant Database Connectivity Middleware, Knowledge Graphs, and Linked Open Data (LOD) we deliver a unique collection of knowledge and experience to you through a variety of general and product-specific professional services.
OpenLink Software (US Office)
Covering North, South, & Central America, the Caribbean and Japan
OpenLink Software, Inc.
117 Kendrick Street
Suite 300
Needham, MA 02494
Tel.: +1 781 273 0900
Fax: +1 781 229 8030
OpenLink Software (UK Office)
Covering Europe, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, Asia & Middle East and all other regions
OpenLink Software (UK) Ltd.
Suite 273, Airport House
Purley Way
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)20 8681 7701
Fax: +44 (0)20 8681 7702