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  • Last week the LOD2 FP7 project had its first review, preceded by its third plenary meeting. Before this, we did, as promised, get the column store and vectored execution capabilities of Virtuoso 7 Single-Server Edition extended to Virtuoso 7 Cluster Edition. More interesting still, we decoupled storage from the database server process, so now database files can migrate between server processes. This means that clusters are now elastic, i.e., new servers can be added to a cluster and the load can be redistributed without reloading the data. These things were long planned, but now are done. Measurements will be published in some weeks, as part of CWI's continued running of RDF store benchmarks, per the LOD2 plan. Doing the column store and elastic cluster is work enough, so I do not in general participate in support or consultancy or the like. This has some pros and cons. On the plus side, there is a relative lack of noise and a very clear idea of focus. Of course, this work is most highly applied, thus always informed by use cases, thus forgetting what ought to be done out there is not the problem. Rather, the problem is forgetting how things in fact are done as opposed to how they could or should be done. To cut a long story short, it has become clear to me that the DBMS must tell the application developer what to do. Of course, the application developer could also look at performance metrics, but they do not, and explaining these metrics is too much work and yields no lasting benefit. Developers will produce all kinds of performance diagnostic traces if requested, but going through this song and dance can also be avoided by the right automation. So, I will introduce two new product features called Wazzup? and Saywhat? Wazzup? is answered by a mood line, like "Heavily disk bound: 100G more memory will give 10x speedup" or "Network bound: Processing in larger batches will give 5x more throughput" and Saywhat? is answered by some commentary on the user's last action, for example "there is no ?order with o_totalprice < 0" or "there is no property O_misspelledtotallprrice." Wazzup? is about overall system state, and Saywhat? is about the user session, specifically query plans. But an explanation of a query plan is not understandable, so this will just point out some salient facts, like the reason why the answer comes out empty. The other thing that came to my attention is the fact that a user has no instinctive feel for ETL. A database person takes it for a self-evident truth that data is loaded in bulk, but the application developer does not think of that. Likewise, the line between warehousing and federating is not instinctively felt; actually the question is not even posed in these terms. So one will find Web protocols and end-points and glue code on the app server when one ought to have ETL and adequate hardware for running the consolidated database. Further, under-provisioning of equipment is endemic with semanticists. The Semantic Web gets a needlessly bad rap just because we find too much data on too little equipment. For example, I was surprised to learn that the Linked Geodata demo ran on only 16 GB RAM and 6 processor cores with 2 billion triples and 350 million points in a geo index. Now, even with our greatest space efficiency advances, there is no way this will run from memory. It is not that the Web 2.0 stack is necessarily efficient (we hear the wildest stories of lack of database understanding from that side too), but at least there is a culture of running with enough equipment. Surely when the web-scale data gear (e.g. Google Bigtable, Yahoo PNUTS, Amazon Dynamo) was new, by the operators' own admission there was no way for this to be particularly efficient, database-wise. Not if your eventual consistency is a client application to a shared MySQL back-end. For a lookup or single-record-update workload, who cares when there is enough hardware? For analytics, there is the de facto impossibility of doing big joins, but map reduce is for that, all offline. The big web houses have always known how to deal with data; it is the smaller Web 2.0 guys who patch systems together with duct tape and memcache. Even so, the online experience gets created. Semanticism has no part of this outlook, except maybe for Freebase, but then they are from California and now have been inside Google for a while. We quite understand that when one needs to get big data online, one makes a key-value store as a point solution, because this way one owns what one operates, and the time to market is a lot shorter than if one tried building all this inside a general-purpose DBMS. Besides, the people who can in fact do this almost do not exist, and even if one had a whole army of this rare breed, development is not very scalable in a tightly-integrated system like a high-performance DBMS. Still further, to even start, one needs to own the DBMS, meaning that the initial platform must be known through and through. This is an issue even though open source platforms exist. The graph data, semdata, schema-last, RDF, linked data enterprise -- whatever one calls it -- makes the bold proposition of bringing complex-query-at-scale to heterogeneous data. This is a database claim. In the meantime, test deployments are made in defiance of database best practices. This is a bit like test driving a race car in reverse gear and steering by looking in the rear-view mirror. There is also no short-term scalable way to educate people. At the LOD2 review, one comment was that an integrated project ought to clearly indicate how to set up the tool chain for good performance, specially as concerns interfaces between the tools. This is very true. Experience shows that developers of tools cannot accurately anticipate what usage patterns will emerge in the field. Therefore, we propose to do better than just documentation; we will make the server recognize the common sources of inefficiency and point the user to the right action. Provisioning and usage patterns: The DBMS ought to know best. Imagine the following conversation: DBMS: Your application does single-triple INSERTs over client-server protocol all day, from a single client. 57% of real time goes in client server latency, 40% in cluster interconnect latency, 2% in compiling the statements, and 1% in doing the work. Use array parameters or bulk load from a file. Operator: My developers use industry-standard Java class libraries with a service-oriented architecture and strictly enforced interfaces. This is called software engineering. Watch out ere you raise your voice against the canon. [Some weeks later, after the load job has gone on for 10 days and gotten a third of the way, developers have discovered that JDBC has array parameters and are trying these.] DBMS: 60% of real time goes into waiting for locks. 10% of transactions get aborted for deadlock. Transactions consist of an average of 10 client-server operations. Use stored procedures; acquire locks in predictable order; do SELECT FOR UPDATE. Throughput will be 4x higher if client-server operations are merged into a single operation. The transactions only INSERT; hence consider bulk load instead. Operator: We are using an enterprise-class three-tier architecture. It has "enterprise" in the name and all the big guys are using it, so it must be scalable. Besides, it is distributed transactions, and distributed computing is the wave of the future. You are a cluster yourself, so the pot's got no business calling the kettle black. [After a while, the data gets loaded with bulk load, but now on a single stream.] DBMS: CPU is at 400% for an INSERT workload; adding more parallel threads will get 4.5x better throughput. [Some time has elapsed and there are Ajax client apps out there trying to use the data.] DBMS: Will you really not give me another 140 GB RAM and 16 more cores? Operator: No, on general principles I will not, shut up. DBMS: Do you know that your page impression takes 3 seconds and anything over 0.25 seconds is visibly slow? 300 GB worth of distinct pages have been accessed in the last 24 hours for 160 GB of RAM. Latency will drop 10x by using SSD; 50x by increasing RAM. Operator: No dice, bucket. Shut up, besides, when I scroll through the data I always use for testing, I get it fast enough, you are just doing this out of greed and self-importance. You are a server among many, just like the mail server; you databases are just pretentious. Currently addressing any of the above sorts of issues takes a long time and involves mostly-avoidable support communication. Questions of this sort do occur. We can probably produce commentary like the above based on logging some 50 numbers, and making some 15 regularly-run reports over these. The patterns to watch out for are well known. No, we will not make a Zippy the Pinhead office assistant; a computer should not try to be cute. This one will talk only in terms of gains from adjusting the deployment or usage patterns. Now, suppose the operator said yes to the request for more cores and memory; then it would be up to the DBMS to deliver. This entails a capacity to redistribute itself automatically, and to give a quantitative report on the success of this measure. This means usage-based repartitioning of the data to equalize load over a cluster. The relevant metric in the above case is the drop in response time. On the other hand, the DBMS should also notice if there is clearly unused capacity. This all will be presented as a line in the status report, so there is no extra wizard or workload analyzer that one must remember to run. For programmatic use there are SQL views for the relevant reports. As for ETL, even if the DBMS can detect that it is not being done right, this does not mean that the user will know what to do. Therefore, for all the Web harvesting we support, as well as any import from local file system or Web services, with some RDF-ization, we will simply implement a proper ETL utility that will do things right. Wazzup? can just point the user to that if the workload looks like loading. This will have its own status report giving a load and transform rate and will point out what takes the longest, after everything is duly parallelized and made asynchronous. Beyond these lessons, there is more to say about the review and plenary, we will get to that a bit later. We did promise a new edition of the LOD cache in a couple of months, now on the clustered column-store platform. Look for advances in data discoverability.
  • Virtuso Data Space Bot <>
  • 2011-09-30T21:02:01Z
  • LOD2 Plenary and Review: Semanticist, Think Database!
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