Linked Open Data (LOD)

Linked Open Data (LOD) related content from various sources.

Virtuoso ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET Drivers for the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph
This post covers the use of our URIBurner Service — a Virtuoso instance that functions as a "Data Junction Box in the Cloud" —and Virtuoso’s ODBC and JDBC drivers as a cost-effective solution for enhancing SQL (one standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), en route to addressing the challenges outlined above.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Publishing LOD Cloud SPARQL Endpoint Descriptions using Linked Data Principles
This post demonstrates how a combination of SQL (one open standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), here comprising a Business Intelligence-focused extension of SPARQL we call SPARQL-BI, can address a range of data manipulation operations commonly referred to as Graph Analytics.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
What is the Linked Open Data Cloud, and why is it important?
This post is an attempt to bring clarity to what the Linked Open Data Cloud (a/k/a the LOD Cloud) actually exemplifies, and how it demonstrates an unrivaled solution to the Data Access problems that we all face today.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
ODBC and JDBC access to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph for COVID19
Here's a note about extending Data Connectivity to existing ODBC and JDBC compliant applications and services ie Dashboard.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Virtuoso ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET Drivers for the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph
This post covers the use of our URIBurner Service — a Virtuoso instance that functions as a "Data Junction Box in the Cloud" —and Virtuoso’s ODBC and JDBC drivers as a cost-effective solution for enhancing SQL (one standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), en route to addressing the challenges outlined above.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
A 'C'-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Publishing LOD Cloud SPARQL Endpoint Descriptions using Linked Data Principles
This post demonstrates how a combination of SQL (one open standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), here comprising a Business Intelligence-focused extension of SPARQL we call SPARQL-BI, can address a range of data manipulation operations commonly referred to as Graph Analytics.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
A 'C'-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
What is the Linked Open Data Cloud, and why is it important?
This post is an attempt to bring clarity to what the Linked Open Data Cloud (a/k/a the LOD Cloud) actually exemplifies, and how it demonstrates an unrivaled solution to the Data Access problems that we all face today.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
A 'C'-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
ODBC and JDBC access to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph for COVID19
Here's a note about extending Data Connectivity to existing ODBC and JDBC compliant applications and services ie Dashboard.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
A 'C'-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
What is the Linked Open Data Cloud, and why is it important?
This post is an attempt to bring clarity to what the Linked Open Data Cloud (a/k/a the LOD Cloud) actually exemplifies, and how it demonstrates an unrivaled solution to the Data Access problems that we all face today.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
ODBC and JDBC access to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph for COVID19
Here's a note about extending Data Connectivity to existing ODBC and JDBC compliant applications and services ie Dashboard.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Publishing LOD Cloud SPARQL Endpoint Descriptions using Linked Data Principles
This post demonstrates how a combination of SQL (one open standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), here comprising a Business Intelligence-focused extension of SPARQL we call SPARQL-BI, can address a range of data manipulation operations commonly referred to as Graph Analytics.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Virtuoso ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET Drivers for the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph
This post covers the use of our URIBurner Service — a Virtuoso instance that functions as a "Data Junction Box in the Cloud" —and Virtuoso’s ODBC and JDBC drivers as a cost-effective solution for enhancing SQL (one standard) with SPARQL (another open standard), en route to addressing the challenges outlined above.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.