Wordpress is a Weblog platform comprised of the following:
- User Interface - PHP
- Application Logic - PHP
Data Storage (SQL RDBMS) - MySQL via PHP-MySQL
Application Server - Apache
In the form above (the norm), Wordpress data can be injected into the Linked Data Web via RDFization middleware such as theVirtuoso Sponger (built into all Virtuoso instances) and Triplr. The downside of this approach is that the blog owner doesn't necessary possess full control over their contributions to the emerging Giant Global Graph or Linked Data.
Another route to Linked Data exposure is via Virtuoso's Metaschema Language for producing RDF Views over ODBC/JDBC accessible Data Sources, that enables the following setup:
- User Interface - PHP
- Application Logic - PHP
Data Storage (SQL RDBMS) - MySQL via the PHP-MySQL data access interface
Virtual Database linkage of MySQL Tables into Virtuoso
RDF View generated over the Virtual SQL Tables
Application Server - Virtuoso which provides Linked Data Deployment such that RDF Linked Data is exposed when requested by Web User Agents.
Alternatively, you can also exploit Virtuoso as the SQL DBMS, RDF DBMS, Application Server, and Linked Data Deployment platform:
- User Interface - PHP
- Application Logic - PHP
- Data Storage (SQL RDBMS) - Virtuoso via PHP-ODBC data access interface (* ODBC is Virtuoso's native SQL CLI/API *)
- RDF View generated over the Native SQL Tables
- Application Server - Virtuoso which provides Linked Data Deployment such that RDF Linked Data is exposed when requested by Web User Agents (e.g. OpenLink RDF Browser, Zitgist Data Viewer, DISCO Hyperdata Browser, and Tabulator).
- Each user account gets a proper Linked Data URI (ID) that can me meshed/smushed with other IDs (so you add data from this new blog space to other linked data sources associated with you other URIs/IDs)
- Each post gets a proper URI
All data is now query-able via SPARQL
Discoverability increases exponentially (without drop in relevance in either direction i.e. discovering or being discovered)
How Do I map the WordPress SQL Schema to RDF using Virtuoso?
- Determine the RDF Schema or Ontologies that define the Classes for which you will be producing instance data (e.g. SIOC and FOAF)
- Declare URI/IRI generator functions (*special Virtuoso functions*)
- Use SPARQL Graph patterns to apply URI/IRI generator functions to Tables, Views, Table Values mode Stored Procedures, Query Resultsets as part of RDBMS to RDF mapping
Read the Meta Schema Language guide or simply apply our "WordPress SQL Schema to RDF" script to your Virtuoso hosted instance.
Of course, there are other mappings that cover other PHP applications deployed via Virtuoso:
Live Demos?
About this entry:
Author: Kingsley Uyi Idehen
Published: 04/09/2008 21:27 GMT-0500
04/10/2008 12:33 GMT-0500
Virtual Database
Data Access
Semantic Web
Comment Status: 0 Comments
Permalink: http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/kidehen@openlinksw.com/weblog/kidehen@openlinksw.com%27s%20BLOG%20%5B127%5D/1333