How weblogs are flying under the radar of the Content Management Giants

The term "Disruptive Technology" has always kinds irked me, pretty much in the same way the word "Proprietary Technology" has in the past. The problem I had with "Proprietary Technology" is that I've spent a lot of my professional career on the "Open...." side of the fence. I am a firm beliver in "Open Systems" (in all its historic forms; UNIX, Client-Server, Internet Protocols etc.), so describing OpenLink Software (even the company name gives me away!) product as being proprietary is really difficult, especially as I believe in the concept of our value proposition being the only thing that should actually be proprietary.

Back to "Disruptive Technology". Prior to reading the piece below

[Blogs as Disruptive Tech - How weblogs are flying under the radar of the Content Management Giants]

I had similar conflicts, and strangely enough I simply forgotthat old principle of physics which states; "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".

Disruputive technology in most use cases describes how new technologies and paradigms create market inflections amongst vendors in a particular market segment. Ironically, this is the basis of everything I do (spot new technologies and paradigms and then look at how they can be used produce valuable solutions). It doesn't mean that I can't deliver "Market Disruptive Technology" to my customers in such a way that it minimizes the"Disruption"to their existing IT infrastructures (at least to the degree this is feasible in a given situation).

For what it's worth I blogged this piece using a "Disruptive" utlility called Mozblog (I've had some problems using this plugin until now).

The keys to getting this Blog plugin working are as follows:

  1. Download and follow instructions at:
  2. Use the Moveable Type or Other option when setting up your Blog Server's XML-RPC endpoint

    That's it.