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May 23, 2003
14:13 My RDF Style
My RDF Style I've realised that I'm unconciously using a subset of the RDF/XML serialization...
with tags: rdf | xml | semanticweb
under category: SQL | Semantic Web | XML | Social Networking
On rdf | xml | semanticweb
On technorati: rdf | xml | semanticweb
14:00 RDFniks of the world untie!
RDFniks of the world untie! Tim Bray follows up his comments on RDF/XML syntax, he also mailed me, c...
with tags: rdf | xml | semanticweb
under category: SQL | Semantic Web | Content Syndication | XML
On rdf | xml | semanticweb
On technorati: rdf | xml | semanticweb
14:00 RDFniks of the world untie!
RDFniks of the world untie! Tim Bray follows up his comments on RDF/XML syntax, he also mailed me, c...
with tags: rdf | xml | semanticweb
under category: SQL | Semantic Web | Content Syndication | XML
On rdf | xml | semanticweb
On technorati: rdf | xml | semanticweb
11:39 My thoughts
My thoughts re Tim Bray's thread on RDF. [via Scripting News] Key excerpt of relevance to us (as...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
On rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
11:39 My thoughts
My thoughts re Tim Bray's thread on RDF. [via Scripting News] Key excerpt of relevance to us (as...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
On rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | history | virtuoso
06:15 Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3
Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3 Must-read : This is an introduction to semantic web ideas aimed at so...
with tags: semanticweb
On semanticweb
On technorati: semanticweb
06:15 Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3
Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3 Must-read : This is an introduction to semantic web ideas aimed at so...
with tags: semanticweb
On semanticweb
On technorati: semanticweb
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