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November 10, 2005
18:51 Semantic Web Challenge Winners
Semantic Web Challenge Winners: "Hot from the Galway sportsdesk: 1. Prize: CONFOTO, appmosphere...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | sparql
under category: Semantic Web
On rdf | semanticweb | sparql
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | sparql
04:29 File Format Compendium
File Format Compendium covering file extensions/suffixes, usage, and brief descriptions.
02:54 Will Web 2.0 kill Windows?
Michael Gartenberg poses the question: Will Web 2.0 kill Windows?: " Answer: NO. Comparing Web...
with tags: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | windows
On webservices | web2.0 | web20 | windows
On technorati: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | windows
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