Virtuoso joins Boca and ARC 2.0 as RDF Quad or Triple Stores with Full Text Index extensions to SPARQL. Here is our example applied to DBpedia:

PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?name ?birth ?death
   ?person dbpedia:birthplace <> .
   ?person dbpedia:birth ?birth .
   ?person foaf:name ?name .
   ?person dbpedia:death ?death
   FILTER (?birth < "1900-01-01"^^xsd:date and bif:contains (?name,
'otto')) .
ORDER BY ?name

You can test further using our SPARQL Endpoint for DBpedia or via the DBPedia bound Interactive SPARQL Query Builder or just click *Here* for results courtesy of the SPARQL Protocol (REST based Web Service).

Note: This is in-built functionality as Virtuoso has possessed Full Text Indexing since 1998-99. This capability applies to physical and virtual graphs managed by Virtuoso.

A per usual, there is more to come as we now have a nice intersection point for SPARQL and XQuery/XPath since Triple Objects (the Literal variety) can take the form of XML Schema based Complex Types :-) A point I alluded too in my podcast interview with Jon Udell last year (*note: mechanical turk based transcript is bad*). The point I made went something like this: " use SPARQL to traverse the typed links and then use XPath/XQuery for further granular access to the data if well-formed..."

Anyway, the podcast interview lead to this InfoWorld article titled: Unified Data Theory.