What's the best way to move Radio UserLand over to a new computer? Without breaking anything. Yeah, I've read the "backup Radio" site, but that's not what I want to do. I want to move my entire Radio license, copy, and all the data contained therein, to a newly-setup computer. I can't get it to work. Any tips?[via The Scobleizer Weblog]

Well what I wanted to do, and have successfully achieved, is as follows (this isn't to knock Radio Userland which in my opinion is a fabulous piece of pioneering work in the weblog space):
  1. Migrate my Radio Blog Web to a Virtuoso Blog Server (it is a Web Log server that supports; Blogger API 1.0/2.0, Meta-Weblog API, Moveable Type, and xmlStorageSystem)
  2. Continue to use Radio as my desktop blogging tool, but also as the local blog servergatewayfor other tools that I use such as w.bloggar, FM Radio and Newzcrawler

How was this acheived?

  1. I had to reconfigure the Radio #upstream.xml file so that it points to my Virtuoso Server for xmlStorageSystem Web Publishing
    • This is my modified version of #upstream.xml
      edited with XMLSPY v5 rel. 3 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Kingsley Idehen (OpenLink Software) -->
      upstream type="xmlStorageSystem" version="1.0 ">
      <!--This is my Virtuoso WebDAV account -->
      <usernum>kingsley</usernum >
      <name>Kingsley Idehen</name >
      <!--This is my Radio Password Name Reference -->
      <passwordName>default</passwordName >
      <!--This is the Virtuoso instance reference -->
      <server>demo2.usnet.private</server >
      <!--Virtuoso HTTP Server Instance Port Number -->
      <port>8890</port >
      <protocol>soap</protocol >
      <!--Virtuoso XML-RPC or SOAP Endpoint -->
      <rpcPath>/xmlStorageSystem</rpcPath >

    • You also have to make the following change via the following Userland Radio menu path "Radio"->Window->Radio.root->user->radio->prefs->upstream->servers:
      'serverCapabilities'->flError = true;

  2. Publish my local Radio site, this time to Virtuoso rather than the Userland Community Server destination

New Architecture

| Blogging Clients
| Local Radio Userland Web Server
| Virtuoso Server (RSS, RDF, XML, SQL etc.. in one place for further use)

End result is productive blogging, and reusable content storage in my Virtuoso knowledgebase.