Friendster befriends blogs--and fees Two Web trends converge as the social networking site prepares to launch blogs through partnership with Six Apart.

We are finally beginning to understand that Social Networking (YASN - Yet Another Social Network), Blogs, Wikis, and more.. go hand in hand. There are profound implications here for vendors in the Blog and Wiki hosting business, the same applies toend users who increasingly own a myriad of disparately hosted Blogs/Wikis/Social Networking Zones etc.
Does this look at all familiar? By this I mean the imminentintegration challenges and issues relating to vendor lock-in etc.. Our Virtuoso technology evangelist Tom Bradford wrote an insightful post about these issuesa few weeks ago.
I also know that we have been working on resolving these issues since 2003 (as part of the Virtuoso Blog/Wiki/YASN Platform effort), andlike our initial Virtual Databasework (making disparate SQL/XML databases appear as one), expect to see single solution that brings Blogs/Wikis/YASNs together also.