As a part of defining benchmark audit for testing ACID properties on RDF stores, we will here examine different RDF scenarios where lack of concurrency control causes inconsistent results. In so doing, we consider common implementation techniques and implications as concern locking (pessimistic) and multi-version (optimistic) concurrency control schemes.

In the following, we will talk in terms of triples, but the discussion can be trivially generalized to quads. We will use numbers for IRIs and literals. In most implementations, the internal representation for these is indeed a number (or at least some data type that has a well defined collation order). For ease of presentation, we consider a single index with key parts SPO. Any other index-like setting with any possible key order will have similar issues.

Insert (Create) and Delete

INSERT and DELETE as defined in SPARQL are queries which generate a result set which is then used for instantiating triple patterns. We note that a DELETE may delete a triple which the DELETE has not read; thus the delete set is not a subset of the read set. The SQL equivalent is the

   ( SELECT key1 FROM other_table )

expression, supposing it were implemented as a scan of other_table and an index lookup followed by DELETE on table.

The meaning of INSERT is that the triples in question exist after the operation, and the meaning of DELETE is that said triples do not exist. In a transactional context, this means that the after-image of the transaction is guaranteed either to have or not-have said triples.

Suppose that the triples { 1 0 0 }, { 1 5 6 }, and { 1 5 7 } exist in the beginning. If we DELETE { 1 ?x ?y } and concurrently INSERT { 1 2 4 . 1 2 3 . 1 3 5 }, then whichever was considered to be first by the concurrency control of the DBMS would complete first, and the other after that. Thus the end state would either have no triples with subject 1 or would have the three just inserted.

Suppose the INSERT inserts the first triple, { 1 2 4 }. The DELETE at the same time reads all triples with subject 1. The exclusive read waits for the uncommitted INSERT. The INSERT then inserts the second triple, { 1 2 3 }. Depending on the isolation of the read, this either succeeds, since no { 1 2 3 } was read, or causes a deadlock. The first corresponds to REPEATABLE READ isolation; the second to SERIALIZABLE.

We would not get the desired end-state of either all the inserted triples or no triples with subject 1 if the read or the DELETE were not serializable.

Furthermore if a DELETE template produced a triple that did not exist in the pre-image, the DELETE semantics still imply that this also does not exist in the after-image, which implies serializability.

Read and Update

Let us consider the prototypical transaction example of transferring funds from one account to another. Two balances are updated, and a history record is inserted.

The initial state is

a  balance  10
b  balance  10

We transfer 1 from a to b, and at the same time transfer 2 from b to a. The end state must have a at 11 and b at 9.

A relational database needs REPEATABLE READ isolation for this.

With RDF, txn1 reads that a has a balance of 10. At the same time, txn1 reads the balance of a. txn2 waits because the read of txn1 is exclusive. txn1 proceeds and read the balance of b. It then updates the balance of a and b.

All goes without the deadlock which is always cited in this scenario, because the locks are acquired in the same order. The act of updating the balance of a, since RDF does not really have an update-in-place, consists of deleting { a balance 10 } and inserting { a balance 9 }. This gets done and txn1 commits. At this point, txn2 proceeds after its wait on the row that stated { a balance 10 }. This row is now gone, and txn2 sees that a has no balance, which is quite possible in RDF's schema-less model.

We see that REPEATABLE READ is not adequate with RDF, even though it is with relational. The reason why there is no UPDATE-in-place is that the PRIMARY KEY of the triple includes all the parts, including the object. Even in a RDBMS, an UPDATE of a primary key part amounts to a DELETE-plus-INSERT. One could here argue that an implementation might still UPDATE-in-place if the key order were not changed. This would resolve the special case of the accounts but not a more general case.

Thus we see that the read of the balance must be SERIALIZABLE. This means that the read locks the space before the first balance, so that no insertion may take place. In this way the read of txn2 waits on the lock that is conceptually before the first possible match of { a balance ?x }.

locking order and OLTP

To implement TPC-C, I would update the table with the highest cardinality first, and then all tables in descending order of cardinality. In this way, the locks with the highest likelihood for contention are held for the least time. If locking multiple rows of a table, these should be locked in a deterministic order, e.g., lowest key-value first. In this way, the workload would not deadlock. In actual fact, with clusters and parallel execution, the lock acquisition will not be guaranteed to be serial, so deadlocks do not entirely go away, but still may get fewer. Besides, any outside transaction might still lock in the wrong order and cause deadlocks, which is why the OLTP application must in any case be built to deal with the possibility of deadlock.

This is the conventional relational view of the matter. In more recent times, in-memory schemes with deterministic lock acquisition (Abadi VLDB 2010) or single-threaded atomic execution of transactions (Uni Munich BIRTE workshop at VLDB2010, VoltDB) have been proposed. There the transaction is described as a stored procedure, possibly with extra annotations. These techniques might apply to RDF also. RDF is however an unlikely model for transaction-intensive applications, so we will not for now examine these further.

RDBMS usually implement row-level locking. This means that once a column of a row has an uncommitted state, any other transaction is prevented from changing the row. This has no ready RDF equivalent. RDF is usually implemented as a row-per-triple system and applying row-level locking to this does not give the semantic one expects of a relational row.

I would argue that it is not essential to enforce transactional guarantees in units of rows. The guarantees must apply between data that is read and written by a transaction. It does not need to apply to columns that the transaction does not reference. To take the TPC-C example, the new order transaction updates the stock level and the delivery transaction updates the delivery count on the stock table. In practice, a delivery and a new order falling on the same row of stock will lock each other out, but nothing in the semantics of the workload mandates this.

It does not seem a priori necessary to recreate the row as a unit of concurrency control in RDF. One could say that a multi-attribute whole (such as an address) ought to be atomic for concurrency control, but then applications updating addresses will most likely read and update all the fields together even if only the street name changes.

Pessimistic Vs. Optimistic Concurrency Control

We have so far spoken only in terms of row-level locking, which is to my knowledge the most widely used model in RDBMS, and one we implement ourselves. Some databases (e.g., MonetDB and VectorWise) implement optimistic concurrency control. The general idea is that each transaction has a read and write set and when a transaction commits, any other transactions whose read or write set intersects with the write set of the committing transaction are marked un-committable. Once a transaction thus becomes un-committable, it may presumably continue reading indefinitely but may no longer commit its updates. Optimistic concurrency is generally coupled with multi-version semantics where the pre-image of a transaction is a clean committed state of the database as of a specific point in time, i.e., snapshot isolation.

To implement SERIALIZABLE isolation, i.e., the guarantee that if a transaction twice performs a COUNT the result will be the same, one locks also the row that precedes the set of selected rows and marks each lock so as to prevent an insert to the right of the lock in key order. The same thing may be done in an optimistic setting.

Positional Handling of Updates in Column Stores [Heman, Zukowski, CWI science library] discusses management of multiple consecutive snapshots in some detail. The paper does not go into the details of different levels of isolation but nothing there suggests that serializability could not be supported. There is some complexity in marking the space between ordered rows as non-insertable across multiple versions but this should be feasible enough.

The issue of optimistic Vs. pessimistic concurrency does not seem to be affected by the differences between RDF and relational models. We note that an OLTP workload can be made to run with very few transaction aborts (deadlocks) by properly ordering operations when using a locking scheme. The same does not work with optimistic concurrency since updates happen immediately and transaction aborts occur whenever the writes of one intersect the reads or writes of another, regardless of the order in which these were made.

Developers seldom understand transactions; therefore DBMS should, within the limits of the possible, optimize locking order for locking schemes. A simple example is locking in key order when doing an operation on a set of values. A more complex variant would consist of analyzing data dependencies in stored procedures and reordering updates so as to get the highest cardinality tables first. We note that this latter trick also benefits optimistic schemes.

In RDF, the same principles apply but distinguishing cardinality of an updated set will have to rely on statistics of predicate cardinality. Such are anyhow needed for query optimization.

Eventual Consistency

Web scale systems that need to maintain consistent state across multiple data centers sometimes use "eventual consistency" schemes. Two-phase-commit becomes very inefficient as latency increases, thus strict transactional semantics have prohibitive cost if the system is more distributed than a cluster with a fast interconnect.

Eventual consistency schemes (Amazon Dynamo, Yahoo! PNUTS) maintain history information on the record which is the unit of concurrency control. The record is typically a non-first normal form chunk of related data that it makes sense to store together from the application's viewpoint. Application logic can then be applied to reconciling differing copies of the same logical record.

Such a scheme seems a priori ill-suited for RDF, where the natural unit of concurrency control would seem to be the quad. We first note that only recently changed (i.e., DELETEd + INSERTed quads, as there is no UPDATE-in-place) need history information. This history information can be stored away from the quad itself, thus not disrupting compression. When detecting that one site has INSERTed a quad that another has DELETEd in the same general time period, application logic can still be applied for reading related quads in order to arrive at a decision on how to reconcile two databases that have diverged. The same can apply to conflicting values of properties that for the application should be single-valued. Comparing time-stamped transaction logs on quads is not fundamentally different from comparing record histories in Dynamo or PNUTS.

As we overcome the data size penalties that have until recently been associated with RDF, RDF becomes even more interesting as a data model for large online systems such as social network platforms where frequent application changes lead to volatility of schema. Key value stores are currently found in such applications, but they generally do not provide the query flexibility at which RDF excels.


We have gone over basic aspects of the endlessly complex and variable topic of transactions, and drawn parallels as well as outlined two basic differences between relational and RDF systems: What used to be REPEATABLE READ becomes SERIALIZABLE; and row-level locking becomes locking at the level of a single attribute value. For the rest, we see that the optimistic and pessimistic modes of concurrency control, as well as guidelines for writing transaction procedures, remain much the same.

Based on this overview, it should be possible to design an ACID test for describing the ACID behavior of benchmarked systems. We do not intend to make transaction support a qualification requirement for an RDF benchmark, but information on transaction support will still be valuable in comparing different systems.