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January 28, 2010
11:14 Virtuoso Chronicles from the Field: Nepomuk, KDE, and the quest for a sophisticated RDF DBMS.
For this particular user experience chronicle, I've simply inserted the content of Sebastian Tru...
On rdf | odbc | sql | semanticweb | sparql | howto | openlink | virtuoso | DataSpace
On technorati: rdf | odbc | sql | semanticweb | sparql | howto | openlink | virtuoso | DataSpace
January 8, 2009
04:36 New ADO.NET 3.x Provider for Virtuoso Released (Update 2)
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Virtuoso ADO.NET 3.5 data provider for Mi...
February 4, 2008
14:25 Virtuoso Universal Server 5.0.4 Release Details
We've just released version 5.0.4 of the Virtuoso Universal Server platform for SQL, XML, and RD...
On rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso | unified_storage
On technorati: rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso | unified_storage
January 15, 2008
22:58 W3C's SPARQLing Data Access Ingenuity
The W3C officially unveiled the SPARQL Query Language today via a press release titled: W3C Opens Da...
August 1, 2007
18:34 OpenLink Ajax Toolkit (OAT) 2.6 Released!
OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.6 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT). New Sema...
under category: Demos | Industry News | SQL | Semantic Web
June 14, 2007
15:28 Enterprise 0.0, Linked Data, and Semantic Data Web
Last week we officially released Virtuoso 5.0.1 (in Commercial and Open Source Editions). The press ...
May 5, 2006
16:02 "Free" Databases: Express vs. Open-Source RDBMSs
Very detailed and insightful peek into the state of affairs re. database engines (Open & Close...
November 11, 2005
21:01 Solutions to allow XMLHttpRequest to talk to external services
Solutions to allow XMLHttpRequest to talk to external services: "Over on they published...
May 21, 2004
16:16 Gates touts the merits of blogs in speech to CEOs
Gates touts the merits of blogs in speech to CEOs Bill Gates didn't announce plans for his own W...
February 17, 2004
12:59 Search Beyond Google
Search Beyond Google Google has a large lead over its rivals in U.S. audience share, accounting fo...
under category: Industry News | Commentary
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