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August 28, 2006
19:38 Data Spaces and Web of Databases
Note: An updated version of a previously unpublished blog post: Continuing from our recent Podc...
06:20 The WWW Proposal and RDF: Then and Now (circa 1999)
I've just re-read an article penned by Dan Brickley in 1999 titled: The WWW Proposal and RDF: T...
with tags: rdf | rss | xml | semanticweb | sparql | history
On rdf | rss | xml | semanticweb | sparql | history
On technorati: rdf | rss | xml | semanticweb | sparql | history
August 8, 2006
22:11 OpenLink Ajax Toolkit (OAT) 1.0 Released
We have finally released the 1.0 edition of OAT. OAT offers a broad Javascript-based, browser-ind...
July 22, 2006
00:08 Virtuoso RDF Triple Store White Paper
We have just released a new technical white paper covering the usage of Virtuoso's SQL-ORDBMS En...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso
On rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso
July 18, 2006
15:21 Intermediate RDF Bulk Loading (Wikipedia & Wordnet) Experiment Results
Orri shares his findings from internal experimentation re. Virtuoso and bulk loading RDF content su...
13:29 More Thoughts on ORDBMS Clients, ADO.NET vNext, and RDF
Additional commentary from Orri Erling. re. ORDBMS, ADO.NET vNext, and RDF (in relation to Semantic ...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso | linq
On rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso | linq
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | sparql | virtuoso | linq
July 13, 2006
21:59 Object Relational Rediscovered?
Microsoft's recent unveiling of the next generation of ADO.NET has pretty much crystalized a lon...
June 30, 2006
12:33 Hiding Ontology from the Semantic Web Users
A great piece from Harry Chen via his Geospatial Semantic Web Blog. I have nothing to add to this ba...
with tags: rdf | semanticweb | sparql
On rdf | semanticweb | sparql
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | sparql
June 26, 2006
21:41 DBMS Hosted Filesystems & WinFS
The return of WinFS back into SQL Server has re-ignited interest in the somewhat forgotten “DBMS ...
June 23, 2006
18:35 Structured Data vs. Unstructured Data
There is an interesting article at titled: Structured data is boring and useless.....
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