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July 13, 2006
21:59 Object Relational Rediscovered?
Microsoft's recent unveiling of the next generation of ADO.NET has pretty much crystalized a lon...
June 1, 2006
22:48 Contd: Ajax Database Connectivity Demos
Last week I put out a series of screencast style demos that sought to demonstrate the core element...
May 26, 2006
17:59 Screencast: Ajax Database Connectivity and SQL Query By Example
AJAX Database Connectivity is the Data Access Component of OAT (OpenLink AJAX Toolkit). It's ...
May 11, 2006
18:54 SPARQL Parameterized Queries (Virtuoso using SPARQL in SQL)
SPARQL with SQL (Inline) Virtuoso extends its SQL3 implementation with syntax for integrating SPAR...
February 25, 2005
00:58 Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is how Dare Obasanjo aptly describes the emergence of some of the Smart Tags ...
with tags: xml | xpath | xquery | odbc | jdbc | sql | semanticweb | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On xml | xpath | xquery | odbc | jdbc | sql | semanticweb | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On technorati: xml | xpath | xquery | odbc | jdbc | sql | semanticweb | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
February 10, 2005
17:01 Email As A Platform
Email As A Platform It looks like more people are starting to realize that email is more than it se...
May 17, 2004
20:42 Preventable SQL DBMS Vulnerabilities
Here are some excerpts (inlined) with my comments (outlined) from an interesting article on SQL DB...
On db2 | jdbc | sql | odbc | openlink | unified_storage | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On technorati: db2 | jdbc | sql | odbc | openlink | unified_storage | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
April 6, 2004
14:55 Customer demand for a ubiquitous InfoPath runtime
My little addition to the observation below re. InfoPath: when will this tool actually make use of A...
with tags: sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
under category: Data Access | SQL | Database Technology
On sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On technorati: sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
14:55 Customer demand for a ubiquitous InfoPath runtime
My little addition to the observation below re. InfoPath: when will this tool actually make use of A...
with tags: sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
under category: Data Access | SQL | Database Technology
On sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On technorati: sql_server | odbc | sql | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
March 23, 2004
15:04 Demo Hell and back
This piece links to a great Mono presentation (bar the reference placement of MySQL/PostgreSQL in...
with tags: mysql | odbc | sql | postgres | linux | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On mysql | odbc | sql | postgres | linux | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
On technorati: mysql | odbc | sql | postgres | linux | .net | ado_dot_net | ado
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