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March 30, 2009
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
October 31, 2008
15:02 Welcoming Freebase to the Linked Data Web
Finally! That's all I can say re. Freebase :-) They've now plugged their database and their ...
under category: Semantic Web
On rdf | semanticweb | web30 | linux | windows | openlink | DataSpace
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | web30 | linux | windows | openlink | DataSpace
October 24, 2008
14:55 Virtuoso, PHP Runtime Hosting: phpBB, Wordpress, Drupal, MediaWiki, and Linked Data
Runtime hosting is functionality realm of Virtuoso that is sometimes easily overlooked. In this po...
14:55 Virtuoso, PHP Runtime Hosting: phpBB, Wordpress, Drupal, MediaWiki, and Linked Data
Runtime hosting is functionality realm of Virtuoso that is sometimes easily overlooked. In this po...
September 5, 2008
01:43 Linked Data, Ubiquity Commands, and Resource Descriptions (Update 3)
Ubiquity from Mozilla Labs, provides an alternative entry point for experiencing the "Contr...
August 3, 2008
16:07 .NET, LINQ, and RDF based Linked Data (Update 2)
At OpenLink, we've been investigating LinqToRdf, an exciting project from Andrew Matthews that s...
On rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | linux | windows | openlink | virtuoso | linq
On technorati: rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | linux | windows | openlink | virtuoso | linq
September 22, 2007
19:43 Fourth Platform: Data Spaces in The Cloud (Update)
I've written extensively on the subject of Data Spaces in relation to the Data Web for while. I...
April 1, 2007
22:02 Open Source and Open Data Movements
Dare Obasanjo's post about the issue of Open Data (or Open Data Access), indicates that the &qu...
On webservices | web2.0 | web20 | rdf | odbc | semanticweb | dataweb | web30 | linux | unix
On technorati: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | rdf | odbc | semanticweb | dataweb | web30 | linux | unix
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