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January 8, 2009
04:36 New ADO.NET 3.x Provider for Virtuoso Released (Update 2)
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Virtuoso ADO.NET 3.5 data provider for Mi...
November 28, 2008
19:27 Introducing Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Amazon EC2
What is it? A pre-installed edition of Virtuoso for Amazon's EC2 Cloud platform. What does it o...
August 27, 2008
18:16 Crunchbase & Semantic Web Interview (Remix - Update 1)
After reading Bengee's interview with CrunchBase, I decided to knock up a quick interview remix ...
April 10, 2008
18:09 Linked Data enabling PHP Applications
Daniel lewis has penned a variation of post about Linked Data enabling PHP applications such as: Wo...
April 9, 2008
21:27 Adding Wordpress Blogs into the Linked Data Web using Virtuoso
Wordpress is a Weblog platform comprised of the following: User Interface - PHP Application ...
January 25, 2007
19:10 Microsoft & Wikipedia Imbroglio
I tried to post a comment to Dare Obasanjo's blog post: How Do We Get Rid of Lies on Wikipedia...
under category: Virtual Database
On webservices | web2.0 | web20 | mysql | history | virtuoso
On technorati: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | mysql | history | virtuoso
May 5, 2006
16:02 "Free" Databases: Express vs. Open-Source RDBMSs
Very detailed and insightful peek into the state of affairs re. database engines (Open & Close...
April 11, 2006
18:01 Virtuoso is Officially Open Source!
I am pleased to unveil (officially) the fact that Virtuoso is now available in Open Source form. W...
October 26, 2005
19:28 Breaking the Web Wide Open!
Marc Canter's Breaking the Web Wide Open! article is something I found pretty late (by my norma...
October 10, 2005
21:36 Another Reminder About Database Independence
MySQL's essential core has been acquired by Oracle. This is yet another warning salvo to the leg...
with tags: odbc | mysql | sql | oracle
under category: Data Access | SQL | Content Syndication
On odbc | mysql | sql | oracle
On technorati: odbc | mysql | sql | oracle
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