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January 25, 2011
11:05 SPARQL Guide for the Perl Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Perl developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. Why? ...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
January 21, 2011
14:59 SPARQL Guide for the Javascript Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Javascript developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. ...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
14:59 SPARQL Guide for the Javascript Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Javascript developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. ...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
January 20, 2011
16:25 SPARQL Guide for the PHP Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any PHP developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. Why? S...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
January 19, 2011
12:13 SPARQL Guide for Python Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Python developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. Why...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
12:13 SPARQL Guide for Python Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Python developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. Why...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
August 3, 2008
13:07 Virtuoso's Universal Server Architecture (Conceptual & Technical)
As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I am exposing two views of Virtuoso that have bee...
April 28, 2008
17:32 Linked Data Illustrated and a Virtuoso Functionality Reminder
Daniel Lewis has put together a nice collection of Linked Data related posts that illustrate the fun...
April 10, 2008
18:09 Linked Data enabling PHP Applications
Daniel lewis has penned a variation of post about Linked Data enabling PHP applications such as: Wo...
May 11, 2006
18:54 SPARQL Parameterized Queries (Virtuoso using SPARQL in SQL)
SPARQL with SQL (Inline) Virtuoso extends its SQL3 implementation with syntax for integrating SPAR...
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