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January 16, 2011
02:06 Simple Virtuoso Installation & Utilization Guide for SPARQL Users (Update 5)
What is SPARQL? A declarative query language from the W3C for querying structured propositional data...
02:06 Simple Virtuoso Installation & Utilization Guide for SPARQL Users (Update 5)
What is SPARQL? A declarative query language from the W3C for querying structured propositional data...
January 31, 2010
17:31 5 Very Important Things to Note about HTTP based Linked Data
It isn't World Wide Web Specific (HTTP != World Wide Web) It isn't Open Data Specific ...
under category: Data Access | SQL | Semantic Web | Programming
On xml | oledb | jdbc | sql | odbc | linked_data | semanticweb | windows | DataSpace
On technorati: xml | oledb | jdbc | sql | odbc | linked_data | semanticweb | windows | DataSpace
March 30, 2009
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
11:27 Live Virtuoso instance hosting Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
We have reached a beachead re. the Virtuoso instance hosting the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud; mean...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
January 8, 2009
04:36 New ADO.NET 3.x Provider for Virtuoso Released (Update 2)
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Virtuoso ADO.NET 3.5 data provider for Mi...
November 2, 2008
01:44 Virtuoso Installation Screencasts
As promised in an earlier post titled: Virtuoso, PHP 3.5 Runtime Hosting, phpBB3, and Linked Data, h...
under category: Virtual Database
On semanticweb | macosx | windows | virtuoso | DataSpace
On technorati: semanticweb | macosx | windows | virtuoso | DataSpace
October 31, 2008
15:02 Welcoming Freebase to the Linked Data Web
Finally! That's all I can say re. Freebase :-) They've now plugged their database and their ...
under category: Semantic Web
On rdf | semanticweb | web30 | linux | windows | openlink | DataSpace
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | web30 | linux | windows | openlink | DataSpace
October 24, 2008
22:05 Dog-fooding: Linked Data and OpenLink Product Portfolio
Thanks to RDF and Linked Data, it's becoming a lot easier for us to explain and reveal the depth...
under category: Virtual Database | Semantic Web
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