In the last week I've dispatch some thoughts about a number of issues (Data Spaces and Web 2.0's Open Data Access Paradox) that basically equate to the identification of the Web 2.0 to Semantic Web (Data Web, Web of Databases, etc..) inflection.
One of the great things about the moderate “open data access” that we have today (courtesy of the blogosphere) is the fact that you can observe the crystallization of new thinking, and/or new appreciation of emerging ideas, in near real-time. Of course, when we really hit the tracks with the Semantic Web this will be in “conditional real-time” (i.e. you choose and control your scope and sensitivity to data changes etc..).
For instance, by way of feed subscriptions, I stumbled upon a series of posts by Jason Kolb that basically articulate what I (and others who believe in the Semantic Web vision) have been attempting to convey in a myriad of ways via posts and commentary etc..
Here are the links to the 4 part series by Jason:
- Reinventing the Internet part 1 (appreciating “Presence” over traditional “Web Sites”)
- Reinventing the Internet part 2
- Reinventing the Internet part 3 (appreciating and comprehending URIs)
- Reinventing the Internet part 4 (nice visualization of what “Data Spaces”)
Reinventing the Internet part 5 (everyone will have a Data Space in due course becuase the Internet is really a Federation of Data Spaces)