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February 17, 2011
17:15 DBpedia + BBC (combined) Linked Data Space Installation Guide
What? The DBpedia + BBC Combo Linked Dataset is a preconfigured Virtuoso Cluster (4 Virtuoso Clu...
under category: Demos | Virtual Database | Programming
January 16, 2011
02:06 Simple Virtuoso Installation & Utilization Guide for SPARQL Users (Update 5)
What is SPARQL? A declarative query language from the W3C for querying structured propositional data...
March 10, 2010
12:52 URIBurner: Painless Generation & Exploitation of Linked Data (Update 1 - Demo Links Added)
What is URIBurner? A service from OpenLink Software, available at:, that enab...
On atom | rdf | rss | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | openlink | virtuoso | DataSpace
On technorati: atom | rdf | rss | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | openlink | virtuoso | DataSpace
March 6, 2010
17:43 Meshups Demonstrating How SPARQL-GEO Enhances Linked Data Exploitation (Update 2)
Deceptively simple demonstrations of how Virtuoso's SPARQL-GEO extensions to SPARQL lay critical...
under category: Demos | Virtual Database
March 4, 2010
10:16 Revisiting HTTP based Linked Data (Update 1 - Demo Video Links Added)
Motivation for this post arose from a series of Twitter exchanges between Tony Hirst and I, in relat...
March 2, 2010
15:47 Linked Data & Socially Enhanced Collaboration (Enterprise or Individual) -- Update 1
Socially enhanced enterprise and invididual collaboration is becoming a focal point for a variety of...
July 23, 2009
20:17 Exploring the Value Proposition of Linked Data
What is Linked Data? The primary topic of a meme penned by TimBL in the form of a Design Issues Doc...
under category: Demos | Semantic Web
09:27 Important Things to Note about the World Wide Web
Based on the prevalence of confusion re. the Linked Data meme, here are a few important points to re...
with tags: rdf | linked_data | semanticweb | sparql
under category: Demos | Semantic Web
On rdf | linked_data | semanticweb | sparql
On technorati: rdf | linked_data | semanticweb | sparql
May 5, 2009
13:53 Library of Congress & Reasonable Linked Data
While exploring the Subject Headings Linked Data Space (LCSH) recently unveiled by the Library of C...
under category: Demos | Virtual Database | Semantic Web
January 27, 2009
19:19 Time for RDBMS Primacy Downgrade is Nigh! (No Embedded Images Edition - Update 1)
As the world works it way through a "once in a generation" economic crisis, the long over...
On rdf | xml | oledb | ingres | jdbc | sql | odbc | semanticweb | foaf | socialnetworking | DataSpace
On technorati: rdf | xml | oledb | ingres | jdbc | sql | odbc | semanticweb | foaf | socialnetworking | DataSpace
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