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January 16, 2011
02:06 Simple Virtuoso Installation & Utilization Guide for SPARQL Users (Update 5)
What is SPARQL? A declarative query language from the W3C for querying structured propositional data...
October 29, 2010
18:54 Virtuoso Linked Data Deployment 3-Step
Injecting Linked Data into the Web has been a major pain point for those who seek personal, service,...
18:54 Virtuoso Linked Data Deployment In 3 Simple Steps
Injecting Linked Data into the Web has been a major pain point for those who seek personal, service,...
March 4, 2010
10:16 Revisiting HTTP based Linked Data (Update 1 - Demo Video Links Added)
Motivation for this post arose from a series of Twitter exchanges between Tony Hirst and I, in relat...
March 2, 2010
15:47 Linked Data & Socially Enhanced Collaboration (Enterprise or Individual) -- Update 1
Socially enhanced enterprise and invididual collaboration is becoming a focal point for a variety of...
February 26, 2010
14:12 OpenLink Virtuoso - Product Value Proposition Overiew
Situation Analysis Since the beginning of the modern IT era, each period of innovation has inadver...
February 17, 2010
16:38 Re-introducing the Virtuoso Virtual Database Engine
In recent times a lot of the commentary and focus re. Virtuoso has centered on the RDF Quad Store an...
January 31, 2010
17:45 What is the DBpedia Project? (Updated)
The recent Wikipedia imbroglio centered around DBpedia is the fundamental driver for this particular...
17:43 What is the DBpedia Project? (Updated)
The recent Wikipedia imbroglio centered around DBpedia is the fundamental driver for this particul...
November 16, 2009
13:17 Personal and/or Service Specific Linked Data Spaces in the Cloud: DBpedia 3.4
We have just released an Amazon EC2 based public Snapshot of DBpedia 3.4. Thus, you can now instant...
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