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September 2, 2006
16:47 Web 2.0's Open Data Access Conundrum
Open Data Access and Web 2.0 have a very strange relationship that continues to blur the lines of...
August 28, 2006
19:38 Data Spaces and Web of Databases
Note: An updated version of a previously unpublished blog post: Continuing from our recent Podc...
July 4, 2006
17:25 Standards as social contracts
Standards as social contracts: "Looking at Dave Winer's efforts in evangelizing OPML, I t...
May 11, 2006
18:54 SPARQL Parameterized Queries (Virtuoso using SPARQL in SQL)
SPARQL with SQL (Inline) Virtuoso extends its SQL3 implementation with syntax for integrating SPAR...
April 5, 2006
20:00 Swoogle knows how Semantic Web ontologies are used
Swoogle knows how Semantic Web ontologies are used: " The Dublin Core Metadata Init...
On rdf | semanticweb | foaf | socialnetworking
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | foaf | socialnetworking
November 14, 2005
19:44 This Week’s Semantic Web
(Via Danny Ayers.): This Week’s Semantic Web: "Ok, my first attempt at a round-up (in resp...
October 26, 2005
19:28 Breaking the Web Wide Open!
Marc Canter's Breaking the Web Wide Open! article is something I found pretty late (by my norma...
October 22, 2005
13:37 Wired News: Pumping Indies on MTV
Wired News: Pumping Indies on MTV: "Search: Pumping Indies on MTV  Page 1 of 1 ...
with tags: socialnetworking
On socialnetworking
On technorati: socialnetworking
May 20, 2005
23:07 World Wide Web of Junk
After digesting Oblique Angle's post titled: World Wide Web of Junk, it was nice to be reassure...
On semanticweb | howto | semantic_web | .net
On technorati: semanticweb | howto | semantic_web | .net
May 13, 2005
11:31 Social Construction of Reality
An interesting article by Brad Cox. (inventor of Objective-C) that's provides great foundation f...
with tags: socialnetworking
under category: Programming | Social Networking
On socialnetworking
On technorati: socialnetworking
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