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October 14, 2010
19:10 What is Linked Data, really?
Linked Data is simply hypermedia-based structured data. Linked Data offers everyone a W...
under category: SQL | Semantic Web
On gdata | rdf | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | DataSpace
On technorati: gdata | rdf | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | DataSpace
17:54 What is Linked Data, really?
Linked Data is simply hypermedia-based structured data. Linked Data offers everyone a W...
under category: SQL | Semantic Web
On gdata | rdf | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | DataSpace
On technorati: gdata | rdf | xml | linked_data | semanticweb | DataSpace
April 16, 2010
17:09 Data 3.0 (a Manifesto for Platform Agnostic Structured Data) Update 5
After a long period of trying to demystify and unravel the wonders of standards compliant structured...
under category: Semantic Web
April 22, 2009
14:46 Take N: Yet Another OpenLink Data Spaces Introduction
Problem: Your Life, Profession, Web, and Internet do not need to become mutually exclusive due to &...
14:46 Take N: Yet Another OpenLink Data Spaces Introduction
Problem: Your Life, Profession, Web, and Internet do not need to become mutually exclusive due to &...
November 2, 2007
18:50 Reminder: Why We Need Linked Data!
"The phrase Open Social implies portability of personal and social data. That would be exciti...
September 22, 2007
19:43 Fourth Platform: Data Spaces in The Cloud (Update)
I've written extensively on the subject of Data Spaces in relation to the Data Web for while. I...
April 13, 2007
21:15 Semantic Web Data Spaces
Web Data Spaces Now that broader understanding of the Semantic Data Web is emerging, I would like to...
March 19, 2007
21:44 Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
(Via Read/Write Web.) Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services: " ..... Conclusion As mo...
On webservices | web2.0 | web20 | gdata | rdf | semanticweb | dataweb | web30 | sparql
On technorati: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | gdata | rdf | semanticweb | dataweb | web30 | sparql
October 24, 2006
16:41 Contd: Web Dimensionality
Frederick Giasson continues the conversation about the Web Experience Dimensions in a new...
with tags: webservices | gdata | rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | .net
under category: SQL | Semantic Web | Programming
On webservices | gdata | rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | .net
On technorati: webservices | gdata | rdf | xml | semanticweb | sparql | .net
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