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January 21, 2011
14:59 SPARQL Guide for the Javascript Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Javascript developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. ...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
14:59 SPARQL Guide for the Javascript Developer
What? A simple guide usable by any Javascript developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles. ...
under category: Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
November 28, 2008
19:27 Introducing Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Amazon EC2
What is it? A pre-installed edition of Virtuoso for Amazon's EC2 Cloud platform. What does it o...
October 1, 2008
19:09 Where Are All the RDF-based Semantic Web Applications?
In response to the "Semantic Web Technology" application classification scheme espoused b...
June 13, 2008
02:02 Missing Bits from Interview
Yikes! I've just discovered that the final part of the's interview with Jim ...
under category: SQL | Semantic Web
October 6, 2007
16:03 Virtuoso 5.0.2 Released!
A new release of Virtuoso is now available in both Open Source and Commercial variants. The main fea...
under category: Demos | Virtual Database | SQL | Semantic Web
September 22, 2007
19:43 Fourth Platform: Data Spaces in The Cloud (Update)
I've written extensively on the subject of Data Spaces in relation to the Data Web for while. I...
September 3, 2007
17:59 Yet Another RDFa Demo
Ivan Herman just posted another nice example of practical RDFa usage in a blog post titled: Yet Ano...
under category: Demos | Virtual Database | Semantic Web
August 23, 2007
22:41 The Power of Structured Data Exposure via RDFa
I regularly check announcement from Ben Adida re. RDFa as part of a perpetual certification process ...
under category: Virtual Database | Semantic Web
On ajax | web2.0 | web20 | rdf | semanticweb | javascript | openlink | virtuoso | .net
On technorati: ajax | web2.0 | web20 | rdf | semanticweb | javascript | openlink | virtuoso | .net
August 1, 2007
18:34 OpenLink Ajax Toolkit (OAT) 2.6 Released!
OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.6 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT). New Sema...
under category: Demos | Industry News | SQL | Semantic Web
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