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June 19, 2008
01:25 My Linked Data Planet Keynote (Updated with missing link)
I've finally found a second to drop a note about my keynote. The keynote: Creating, Deploying, a...
with tags: odbc | sql | semanticweb | lnkeddata | DataSpace
under category: Data Access | SQL | Semantic Web
On odbc | sql | semanticweb | lnkeddata | DataSpace
On technorati: odbc | sql | semanticweb | lnkeddata | DataSpace
June 13, 2008
02:02 Missing Bits from Interview
Yikes! I've just discovered that the final part of the's interview with Jim ...
under category: SQL | Semantic Web
June 12, 2008
00:40 Interviews Jim Hendler & I
The build up to Linked Data Planet continues... Here is's interview with Jim Hen...
On semanticweb | lnkeddata | DataSpace
On technorati: semanticweb | lnkeddata | DataSpace
June 11, 2008
16:36 Linked Data in Action: Library of Congress
As I start my countdown to the upcoming Linked Data Planet conference, here is the first of a series...
under category: Semantic Web
On rdf | semanticweb | web30 | lnkeddata | DataSpace
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | web30 | lnkeddata | DataSpace
June 4, 2008
21:05 1995
1995: " 1995 (and the early 90’s) must have been a visionaries time of dreaming… most of t...
under category: Programming
On semanticweb | web30 | lnkeddata | semantic_web
On technorati: semanticweb | web30 | lnkeddata | semantic_web
May 22, 2008
20:38 State of the Semantic Web Presentation
Unfortunately a number of Linking Open Data (LOD) community / Linked Data tribe members (myself incl...
under category: Demos
17:23 Context, Tagging, Semantic Web, and Linked Data (Updated)
Courtesy of Nova Spivack's post titled: Tagging and the Semantic Web: Tags as Objects, I stumble...
under category: Semantic Web
May 20, 2008
19:37 ODBC & WODBC Comparison
ODBC delivers open data access (by reference) to a broad range of enterprise databases via a '...
May 16, 2008
20:02 Commercializing the Semantic Web
Unfortunately, I could only spend 4 days at the recent WWW2008 event in Beijing (I departed the morn...
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