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March 28, 2007
19:17 RDF Browsers & RDF Data Middleware
Frederick Giasson penned an interesting post earlier today that highlighted the RDF Middleware serv...
August 28, 2006
19:38 Data Spaces and Web of Databases
Note: An updated version of a previously unpublished blog post: Continuing from our recent Podc...
June 1, 2006
22:48 Contd: Ajax Database Connectivity Demos
Last week I put out a series of screencast style demos that sought to demonstrate the core element...
April 28, 2006
14:43 My podcast conversation with Jon Udell
Jon and I had a recent chat yesterday that is now available in Podcast form. "In my fourth...
June 30, 2004
19:59 Are You a Google Away from Being Amazoned?
This piece from SD Times that I simply do not agree with! Lead me to the question: Are you a &...
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