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October 1, 2008
19:09 Where Are All the RDF-based Semantic Web Applications?
In response to the "Semantic Web Technology" application classification scheme espoused b...
June 26, 2006
21:41 DBMS Hosted Filesystems & WinFS
The return of WinFS back into SQL Server has re-ignited interest in the somewhat forgotten “DBMS ...
February 10, 2005
17:01 Email As A Platform
Email As A Platform It looks like more people are starting to realize that email is more than it se...
August 26, 2004
17:52 Is Google Web 2.0's Netscape?
I put this piece together in response to another stimulating post by Dare Obasanjo titled "Is G...
June 22, 2004
16:09 The Google PC & BlogTelepathy
I was on a conference call with the Virtuoso product manager about the opportunities WinFS and RDF S...
On rdf | semanticweb | virtuoso | unified_storage | winfs
On technorati: rdf | semanticweb | virtuoso | unified_storage | winfs
April 16, 2004
12:13 SQL Support in Mozilla?
Mozilla's SQL Support allows applications to directly connect to SQL databases. A web applicat...
November 13, 2003
16:26 Microsoft Killing the Web ?
This is a really interesting collection of Blogobillia! It starts here with one of many excerpts fro...
On webservices | web2.0 | web20 | rss | xml | windows | unified_storage | winfs | .net
On technorati: webservices | web2.0 | web20 | rss | xml | windows | unified_storage | winfs | .net
14:55 WinFS Synchronization Architecture
Here is an architecture diagram that sheds light on the WinFS synchronization architecture. There ar...
with tags: unified_storage | winfs
On unified_storage | winfs
On technorati: unified_storage | winfs
October 31, 2003
15:58 Replace and defend -- Contd
Reading the Longhorn SDK docs is a disorienting experience. Everything's familiar but different...
October 29, 2003
13:34 WinFS validates Unified Storage Vision
I have been following the PDC event and information outflows with very keen interest. The newly publ...
On virtuoso | unified_storage | winfs
On technorati: virtuoso | unified_storage | winfs
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