We hear it to exhaustion, where is RDF scalability? We have been suggesting for a while that this is a solved question. I will here give some concrete numbers to back this.
The scalability dream is to add hardware and get increased performance in proportion to the power the added component has when measured by itself. A corollary dream is to take scalability effects that are measured in a simple task and see them in a complex task.
Below we show how we do 3.3 million random triple lookups per second on two 8 core commodity servers producing complete results, joining across partitions. On a single 4 core server, the figure is about 1 million lookups per second. With a single thread, it is about 250K lookups per second. This is the good case. But even our worse case is quite decent.
We took a simple SPARQL query, counting how many people say they reciprocally know each other. In the Billion Triples Challenge data set, there are 25M foaf:knows
quads of which 92K are reciprocal. Reciprocal here means that when x knows y in some graph, y knows x in the same or any other graph.
?p1 foaf:knows ?p2 .
?p2 foaf:knows ?p1
There is no guarantee that the triple of x knows y
is in the same partition as the triple y knows x. Thus the join is randomly distributed, n partitions to n partitions.
We left this out of the Billion Triples Challenge demo because this did not run fast enough for our liking. Since then, we have corrected this.
If run on a single thread, this query would be a loop over all the quads with a predicate of foaf:knows
, and an inner loop looking for a quad with 3 of 4 fields given (SPO
). If we have a partitioned situation, we have a loop over all the foaf:knows
quads in each partition, and an inner lookup looking for the reciprocal foaf:knows
quad in whatever partition it may be found.
We have implemented this with two different message patterns:
Centralized: One process reads all the foaf:knows
quads from all processes. Every 50K quads, it sends a batch of reciprocal quad checks to each partition that could contain a reciprocal quad. Each partition keeps the count of found reciprocal quads, and these are gathered and added up at the end.
Symmetrical: Each process reads the foaf:knows
quads in its partition, and sends a batch of checks to each process that could have the reciprocal foaf:knows
quad every 50K quads. At the end, the counts are gathered from all partitions. There is some additional control traffic but we do not go into its details here.
Below is the result measured on 2 machines each with 2 x Xeon 5345 (quad core; total 8 cores), 16G RAM, and each machine running 6 Virtuoso instances. The interconnect is dual 1-Gbit ethernet. Numbers are with warm cache.
Centralized: 35,543 msec, 728,634 sequential + random lookups per second
Cluster 12 nodes, 35 s. 1072 m/s 39,085 KB/s 316% cpu ...
Symmetrical: 7706 msec, 3,360,740 sequential + random lookups per second
Cluster 12 nodes, 7 s. 572 m/s 16,983 KB/s 1137% cpu ...
The second line is the summary from the cluster status report for the duration of the query. The interesting numbers are the KB/s and the %CPU. The former is the cross-sectional data transfer rate for intra-cluster communication; the latter is the consolidated CPU utilization, where a constantly-busy core counts for 100%. The point to note is that the symmetrical approach takes 4x less real time with under half the data transfer rate. Further, when using multiple machines, the speed of a single interface does not limit the overall throughput as it does in the centralized situation.
These figures represent the best and worst cases of distributed JOIN
ing. If we have a straight sequence of JOIN
s, with single pattern optionals and existences and the order in which results are produced is not significant (i.e., there is aggregation, existence test, or ORDER BY
), the symmetrical pattern is applicable. On the other hand, if there are multiple triple pattern optionals, complex sub-queries, DISTINCT
s in the middle of the query, or results have to be produced in the order of an index, then the centralized approach must be used at least part of the time.
Also, if we must make transitive closures, which can be thought of as an extension of a DISTINCT
in a subquery, we must pass the data through a single point before moving the bindings to the next JOIN
in the sequence. This happens for example in resolving owl:sameAs
at run time. However, the good news is that performance does not fall much below the centralized figure even when there are complex nested structures with intermediate transitive closures, DISTINCT
s, complex existence tests, etc., that require passing all intermediate results through a central point. No matter the complexity, it is always possible to vector some tens-of-thousands of variable bindings into a single message exchange. And if there are not that many intermediate results, then single query execution time is not a problem anyhow.
For our sample query, we would get still more speed by using a partitioned hash join, filling the hash from the foaf:knows
relations and then running the foaf:knows
relations through the hash. If the hash size is right, a hash lookup is somewhat better than an index lookup. The problem is that when the hash join is not the right solution, it is an expensive mistake: the best case is good; the worst case is very bad. But if there is no index then hash join is better than nothing. One problem of hash joins is that they make temporary data structures which, if large, will skew the working set. One must be quite sure of the cardinality before it is safe to try a hash join. So we do not do hash joins with RDF, but we do use them sometimes with relational data.
These same methods apply to relational data just as well. This does not make generic RDF storage outperform an application-specific relational representation on the same platform, as the latter benefits from all the same optimizations, but in terms of sheer numbers, this makes RDF representation an option where it was not an option before. RDF is all about not needing to design the schema around the queries, and not needing to limit what joins with what else.