Arising from the recent W3C workshop on mapping relational data to RDF, there is some discussion on starting a benchmarking oriented experimental group under the W3C. I'll here make some comments on where this might fit and how this might serve our nascent industry.
To the public, basically any recipient of the semantic data web message, the benchmarking activity should communicate:
The semantic data web claims to
- allow integrating any legacy data from wherever and allow translating this into common, mutually joinable vocabularies, and
- make the web into a big database capable of answering structured queries on any open data.
The benchmarking activity is to prove that this is not a pipe dream that Gartner Group forecast for 2027. Instead, there exists
- an industry,
- a degree of consensus within the industry concerning what the semantic data web is for, and
- products that are beyond experimental and can deliver at least some of the claimed benefits of the semantic data web.
To the general public, the message will be best delivered by the existence of online services that do interesting things with linked data, starting from search and going to more specialized derivative products of structured information on the web.
To those intending to apply some semantic data web things themselves, the benchmark activity should give a directory of products to look at. The reason why a benchmark suite backed by some industry consortium is useful is that it adds to the end user's confidence that the use case being measured is of somewhat general relevance and not just made to demonstrate any single product's strengths. Besides this, the TPC idea of disclosing scale, throughput, price per throughput and date is fine because it makes for easy tabulation of results. The intricacies in the full disclosure is effectively masked and it is my guess that very few read the actual full disclosures.
The inference that an evaluator draws from benchmark results is that some product figuring there consistently is somewhat serious and can be studied further. Being in the running is like a stamp of approval. The benchmarks are complex and the evaluator seldom goes to the trouble of really analyzing performance by individual query or transaction even if these are and must be given. It is a bit like Formula 1 viewers do not generally read the rules on car engine or aerodynamics, let alone understand their finer points.
For credibility to be thus given to products and hence the industry, we should just have a couple of well defined and agreed upon benchmarks, just like TPC.
The third public is the developer. As a DBMS developer, I am a great fan of TPC. The great benefit I derive from their work is that they give a test suite for measuring effects of code changes on performance. Also, assuming that the TPC workload mix is representative, it also allows ranking what optimizations are more important than others. Lastly, TPC gives a great way of describing results, e.g., changes resulting in x% improvement on throughput of y. In such usage, the benchmarks are pretty much never run by the rules but results obtained are still good for internal comparison.
Communication about IS should allow for short, simple messages: Release XX Halves Price per Throughput.
The existence of benchmarks is, if not absolutely necessary, then at least a great help for such communication. Besides, people are culturally used to all kinds of racing and sports results so this is even a familiar format.
Now the TPC is also not perfect. In the high end, the measured configurations are so large that one does not see them very often in practice. It is like the techno sports of Formula 1 or America's Cup. Interesting for the curiosity value but not immediately relevant to the regular car buyer or weekend yachtsman. Further, sponsoring a by-the-book audited TPC result is not so simple. Not as expensive as putting out an America's Cup challenge but still some trouble and expense.
So, for us to benefit by the benchmarking activity, we must find a group that can both agree and be somewhat representative. Then we must put out a simple message: This here is for integration of relational sources and this here for storage and query of RDF.
Furthermore, in so far we derive from relational or similar sources, the technology should not do less than the established alternative. This sends the wrong message.
Entering the running should not be overly difficult for vendors, hence we should not have too many benchmarks and the ones that there are should be representative and sufficiently varied workloads. The results should be compact and easy to state. One more reason why I like TPC's work is the fact that the benchmarks have an easy to understand, unified use case behind them. Approximately what is done in each becomes clear from a very short and succinct description even though the details can be complex. I suspect this is one side of their appeal. I would venture the guess that a single use case story is easier to sell than a composite metric of disparate tests. Also in the scientific computing world, we have use cases, like NAS for aerodynamics, so having a use case story is quite common and a factor for making a benchmark's relevance understandable.
Is this all possible?
To play the devil's advocate, I could say that the use cases are not as well settled as the relational ones hence formulating a generally representative benchmark is not possible. Now this is certainly not a message that this community wishes to send. Besides, there exists decades worth of history of the problems of information integration and a great deal of RDF data out there, , even a compilation of dozens of industry use cases by the SWEO, so we are not exactly in the dark here.
Can there be political agreement in reasonable time? If we look at the TPC as a precedent, judging by the rate of publication and revision, the process is not exactly quick. Now, for the TPC, it does not have to be. Judging by the frequency of published test results, hardware vendors are happy enough to have a forum to show off and do so at every turn.
Now we are not at this stage of maturity yet.
Composing a TPC style test spec is possible in a reasonable time for an individual but likely not for a committee. It is quite voluminous but also quite formulaic. While TPC's material is their own, I see no reason that we could not reference or link to it it where applicable.
Who would be motivated by such activity? How to pitch the activity to would be participants? I don't think that just talking about what to measure and how is interesting enough. This is covered ground. Vendors want to promote themselves and end users want to have vendors compete at solving their problems. Or so it would be in a simpler world.
Personally, I'd like to see a benchmark with a use case story people can relate to emerge in the next few months. Now I am not necessarily holding my breath waiting for this. For purposes of ongoing development, there is the real data out there and we can for example do the social web workload mix I suggested a couple of blog posts back on that and it is good enough for us. But that is not good enough for the industry's messaging.
I'd say that we have to assume that people play in good faith and simply ask who want to run and get an extra edge by being in on the design of the race track. By good faith I here mean a sincere wish to have the race take place in the first place.
The sport is exciting for the players and spectators alike if there is a use case story that they can relate to and an actual tournament. So this is what we should aim for. Because this is so far a niche public, we should not fragment the activity too much and we should consider how understandable and relevant the benchmark activity is to likely semantic data web adopters.