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March 22, 2011
18:52 RDF and Transactions
I will here talk about RDF and transactions for developers in general. The next one talks about spec...
April 7, 2010
12:40 Fault Tolerance in Virtuoso Cluster Edition (Short Version)
We have for some time had the option of storing data in a cluster in multiple copies, in the Commerc...
April 30, 2009
11:49 Short Recap of Virtuoso Basics (#3 of 5)
(Third of five posts related to the WWW 2009 conference, held the week of April 20, 2009.) There a...
December 17, 2008
12:31 Virtuoso RDF: A Getting Started Guide for the Developer
It is a long standing promise of mine to dispel the false impression that using Virtuoso to work wi...
09:34 See the Lite: Embeddable/Background Virtuoso starts at 25MB
We have received many requests for an embeddable-scale Virtuoso. In response to this, we have added...
October 26, 2008
12:15 Virtuoso - Are We Too Clever for Our Own Good? (updated)
"Physician, heal thyself," it is said. We profess to say what the messaging of the semanti...
September 8, 2008
09:20 Transitivity and Graphs for SQL
Background I have mentioned on a couple of prior occasions that basic graph operations ought to be...
On database | databases | rdf | jdbc | sql | semanticweb | sparql | howto | history | virtuoso
On technorati: database | databases | rdf | jdbc | sql | semanticweb | sparql | howto | history | virtuoso
August 25, 2008
14:05 Configuring Virtuoso for Benchmarking
I will here summarize what should be known about running benchmarks with Virtuoso. Physical Memory ...
August 6, 2008
19:35 BSBM With Triples and Mapped Relational Data
The special contribution of the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM) to the RDF world is to raise the ques...
June 9, 2008
13:57 The DARQ Matter of Federation
Astronomers propose that the universe is held together, so to speak, by the gravity of invisible &qu...
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